2005: The Year In Review
January 2005
Someone was brave enough to spar politics with me and I almost went postal.
I dappled in ageofconsent.com and wondered why I was surprised by its existence.
There was a blinking Jesus and an ode to Blitz Mints.
Split Pea Soup was in great supply, as were silly, inane political protests.
On a more serious note, January 12th marked the passing of my Great-Grandmother.
February 2005
Rodney still couldn't get any respect from CNN [clicky]
I was a Ninja and a Resturant Critic and a Plumber and a fangirl and a Movie Critic.
My boots got the flu and anime tried to infect my life.
March 2005
I took a 15-day hiatus and came back with a post involving the words "turnstyle" and "pregnant".
I fell in love with spring rain and promptly feel right back out.
The Backstreet Boys came back and that wasn't even the low point of the entertainment month.
Texas tried to kill cheerleading, Nate got a goal in life and my father turned to the bottle as a means of dealing with the family.
All in all, it all ended in tears.
April 2005
Max escaped so we brought him home a girlfriend.
Alexis Bledel got worse and Orlando Bloom was type cast.
The Pope took over my tv and brought droves of the British with him.
I gave the marketting companies something to work with, got wise and then bought into the lie.
Flash gave you another reason to listen to me and tabbed browsing took blame for my addiction
Nerdy Boys spiked an all-time popularity high and the world's gayest man got a blog.
May 2005
I killed Gehrard and became an "ist" only to prove it 15 minutes later.
Jameson went to his first concert and Mike and Jeff so almost got arrested.
Spring reared it's ugly head yet again while I put Time Life out of business.
My readers got a lesson in Internet Ettiquite and body language.
Princess went for a swim.
My secret recipie was revealed.
June 2005
Teenagers got blue and then stupid.
My menagerie got two tiny new EVIL additions.
And a whole lot of history got remembered and reconciled.
July 2005
My hamster family got bigger and the Corn Cam got more viewers than it's ever had.
My fear of hotel sheets came to be regarded as sane. My ode to the pickle, not so much.
My birthday became a source of early stress, while my match-making skills were finally respected.
I hated HBP.
August 2005
Bad things happened to my skins while I decided who to hate this month.
I was disgusted beyond belief and cranky as hell.
Katrina hit and I felt nothing but irratation.
September 2005
Most of my life was not blogged about this month but I did manage to get bored enough, at one point to read my spam and publish 2005's, Totally Fuckable List.
Jon Stewart made me laugh all over again with his performance on Crossfire and I drafted yet another new rule.
October 2005
My PHP class turned into Algebra flashbacks and the internet forgot who it was.
I rekindled my pursuit of higher education and discovered, curtosy of MSNBC, DJ RX.
People started lighting halloween.
Then things took a turn for the worst and just kept getting weirder. I still haven't fully recovered from this one - i'm not sure I ever will.
November 2005
Hufu topped my "weirdest product ever list."
The calander got a makeover.
My slug lovin style was cramped and Mike turned the infamous 23.
I talked to Colin.
The Gilmore Girls got even worse.
Chili was ruined for me.
We all got a bit of a shock - which, by now, I think we're all sick of and I asked and was answered.
December 2005
So fresh, it doesn't need links. This month, O'Reily was not the enemy, Christmas just kept getting worse, I experienced a world without Photoshop and, in the ultimate WTF of December - I got an appology I didn't expect and, as I'm sitting here wiht my stomach churning over it's contents and implications - i'm starting to think I wish it would never have come.
I'm glad King didn't live to see it and I hope against hope that it isn't what I think it is.
All hail, 2005: The Year In Review.
Someone was brave enough to spar politics with me and I almost went postal.
I dappled in ageofconsent.com and wondered why I was surprised by its existence.
There was a blinking Jesus and an ode to Blitz Mints.
Split Pea Soup was in great supply, as were silly, inane political protests.
On a more serious note, January 12th marked the passing of my Great-Grandmother.
February 2005
Rodney still couldn't get any respect from CNN [clicky]
I was a Ninja and a Resturant Critic and a Plumber and a fangirl and a Movie Critic.
My boots got the flu and anime tried to infect my life.
March 2005
I took a 15-day hiatus and came back with a post involving the words "turnstyle" and "pregnant".
I fell in love with spring rain and promptly feel right back out.
The Backstreet Boys came back and that wasn't even the low point of the entertainment month.
Texas tried to kill cheerleading, Nate got a goal in life and my father turned to the bottle as a means of dealing with the family.
All in all, it all ended in tears.
April 2005
Max escaped so we brought him home a girlfriend.
Alexis Bledel got worse and Orlando Bloom was type cast.
The Pope took over my tv and brought droves of the British with him.
I gave the marketting companies something to work with, got wise and then bought into the lie.
Flash gave you another reason to listen to me and tabbed browsing took blame for my addiction
Nerdy Boys spiked an all-time popularity high and the world's gayest man got a blog.
May 2005
I killed Gehrard and became an "ist" only to prove it 15 minutes later.
Jameson went to his first concert and Mike and Jeff so almost got arrested.
Spring reared it's ugly head yet again while I put Time Life out of business.
My readers got a lesson in Internet Ettiquite and body language.
Princess went for a swim.
My secret recipie was revealed.
June 2005
Teenagers got blue and then stupid.
My menagerie got two tiny new EVIL additions.
And a whole lot of history got remembered and reconciled.
July 2005
My hamster family got bigger and the Corn Cam got more viewers than it's ever had.
My fear of hotel sheets came to be regarded as sane. My ode to the pickle, not so much.
My birthday became a source of early stress, while my match-making skills were finally respected.
I hated HBP.
August 2005
Bad things happened to my skins while I decided who to hate this month.
I was disgusted beyond belief and cranky as hell.
Katrina hit and I felt nothing but irratation.
September 2005
Most of my life was not blogged about this month but I did manage to get bored enough, at one point to read my spam and publish 2005's, Totally Fuckable List.
Jon Stewart made me laugh all over again with his performance on Crossfire and I drafted yet another new rule.
October 2005
My PHP class turned into Algebra flashbacks and the internet forgot who it was.
I rekindled my pursuit of higher education and discovered, curtosy of MSNBC, DJ RX.
People started lighting halloween.
Then things took a turn for the worst and just kept getting weirder. I still haven't fully recovered from this one - i'm not sure I ever will.
November 2005
Hufu topped my "weirdest product ever list."
The calander got a makeover.
My slug lovin style was cramped and Mike turned the infamous 23.
I talked to Colin.
The Gilmore Girls got even worse.
Chili was ruined for me.
We all got a bit of a shock - which, by now, I think we're all sick of and I asked and was answered.
December 2005
So fresh, it doesn't need links. This month, O'Reily was not the enemy, Christmas just kept getting worse, I experienced a world without Photoshop and, in the ultimate WTF of December - I got an appology I didn't expect and, as I'm sitting here wiht my stomach churning over it's contents and implications - i'm starting to think I wish it would never have come.
I'm glad King didn't live to see it and I hope against hope that it isn't what I think it is.
All hail, 2005: The Year In Review.
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