Monday, November 28


I love being read. Why, ladies and gents, do I love being read? Because, from time to time, I get e-mails like this.

I went to try and find the Bad Author thing you always post and couldn't! lol But in the process stumbled onto your blog and the lovely question about why on earth your numb limb will feel swollen. To some people it feels like that, and it's mainly because when the blood flow is cut off you're nerves are unable to interpret the signalling properly as a result of the loss of oxygen (due to the blood being cut off) in that area. Since some cells obviously will retain the feeling and proper nerve conduction there winds up being a large sense of space in the gaps where nerves are not firing properly, resulting in an 'inflated' feeling.

At least thats why it works like that when you have nerve damage. *looks at leg muttering about skiing accidents* With nerve damage the areas where nerves are not working properly will often feel 'inflated' a bit, and I've noticed that feeling with 'asleep' limbs as well so that would be my best, 'bio/pre-med/chemistry degree in a semester' major.

All in all, big thanks to Firefawn for the answer to my undying and inane questions :)


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