Tuesday, August 30


Okay, i'd like to take a quick poll. For the 100th time in the last few years, a disaster, natural or manmade, has taken place and the world is crying out for justice and salvation while I sit idly watching; usually with a chuckle.

Perhaps it's the desensitization of the American people or perhaps it's just that I place a higher value on certain things than I do on human life; but I've seen the Coast Gaurd pluck that guy out of the hole he chopped in his roof at least ten times and I feel absolutely nothing and yet, while trolling the internet, I keep seeing the words 'gut wrenching,' 'heart breaking,' 'moving,' and 'miracle' quickly following commentary on that footage.

Am I horrible or is everyone else just as disenfranchised and disconcerned as I am? I damn near cried when O'Conner resigned but this has no impact on me whatsoever.

I'm horrible.

Edited To Add: Hey, I do have feelings! I was watching footage of Mississippi and I saw a middle-aged man in tears (always a trigger for me) crying because his wife was swept away when the water rushed in and he hasn't found her or her body yet. Sad. :( Course, any sense of greif was lost the moment that they announced the name of the town; Possum Hollow. Oh the chuckles.


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