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Wednesday, December 27

Coffee Table Books

I am officially in love with this book.

[Pop-Up Kama Sutra]

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Tuesday, December 26

Some News

"Army Pvt. Evan A. Bixler, 21, Racine, Wis., died Sunday in Hit from enemy indirect fire; assigned to the 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, Baumholder, Germany."

[[From the AP]]

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Sunday, December 24


I never really know what to say in situations like this, but they always leave me feeling like the event should be marked somehow - like maybe saying something with make it feel better. In my experience, it never does, but maybe this time it will.

Yesterday, an old friend was killed in action in Iraq. I found out tonight halfway through gift opening at my uncle's house. In the words of my tenth grade history teacher: War Bad.

Evan, thanks man. Amy, if you're out there, I'm sorry.

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Bah Fucking Humbug

...that was really all i had to say...

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Saturday, December 23

2006 Totally Fuckable List

I have been remiss!!!

In no particular order:

Justin Timberlake: A new addition to the TFL, Justin makes his debut somewhere near the would-be top because god damn do I have a weakness for a lean, limber man in a pinstripe suit.

Matt Damon: Long time resident hangs on for another year. He's gained some weight and gotten older - true - but his political roles and increasingly intelligent banter keep me interested.

David Beckham: Sorry, Rena, but I still think he's hot and, yes, I promise to not let him speak if ever do end up in an elevator with him.

Dave Navarro: Such a pity he and Carmen didn't have kids.

Matt Czuchry: If he could stay in character (Logan - duh, where have you been?) Well...yeah...

David Anders: Mmmmm...Sark....

Michael Vartan: And for a twist, a little good to go with my afor mentioned evil ;)

Benjamin McKenzie: The only person on the list for their mind and not their looks. Now, don't get me wrong, I probably wouldn't kick him out of bed if he were stupid but wililng, however, he's not my cup of tea enough to make the list were it not for the fact that he seems to be a really intelligent, aware guy who happened upon acting because he realized he didn't actually want to be a politician. (Yes, I get the irony)

This years edition has been a shake up - lots of new faces and not a lot of old ones, but none so large as this - for the first time since I was 9 years old, Billie Jo is not on this list. I know. I know. It does feel like a part of me has died, but I can no longer forgive him the awful haircut. It keeps getting worse and he keeps not doing anything about it. Plus, he's getting a little REM for my tastes.


Friday, December 22


So there are some things you should know about me. A lot of things, in fact and, most of them, can be found out through a quick google search of BitterEpiphany but, for kicks, lets do a "Me/Not Me" list.

In order:

bitterepiphany.com - me
tda profile - me
dA - me
interWORX - me
hpff author page - me
fictionalley - me
timeturner.net - me
blogger - me
hpff: meet the author - me
ipsbeyond - me
gallery: menalto - me
astronomy tower - me
mcafee - me
instantstar - not me
narutofan - me
mugglenet.fanfiction - me
hp12 - not me
digitalscrapbooking - me (hey! you have to register to view!)
theultimateguide to dramione - not me (actually, i haven't figured out why this showed up yet, anyway.)
queen of hearts - me-ish...(OK, i'm not registered there, but they're refering to me :))
someones fanfiction.net page - it is fun to watch the trickle down, but i have no idea who this person is.
Hogwarts - my home away from home - me-ish (yup, its the trickle again!)
carfixers - ME!
someoneslj - more trickle!
Envious Magic - me..ish (the best part is - site admin at this stie HATES ME!)
my livejournal - me
dog forums - me
someone's lj - more trickle :)
applianceblog - me
someone elses dA - trickle
uhh.. - i'm still not sure about this one.
gilmorefan - trickle (and a surprise trickle too!)
youtube - not me!
dA - trickle
fantastic something - trickle
friction - not me
somewhere weird - trickle
someone's lj - trickle

Google is such a fun game :)


Sunday, December 17

The Common Cold

Among teenagers, depression is like a bad cold in a pre-school. It starts with one kid bringing it home and, before you know it, thirty-six thirteen year olds are listening to Sunny Day Real Estate and researching the vegan diet from their darkened basements. I don’t know if anyone else is aware of this fact but if my teenage years taught me nothing else, it was that.

So, a few weeks ago when my brother sent a quasi-suicide note to a friend, I immediately pulled back on the reigns of his relationship with Mike’s nephews to stop the spread of life threatening bacteria.

Well, apparently I’m the biggest bitch in the world.

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Thursday, December 7

New Puppies!

Wednesday, December 6

Why I Won't Be Blogging Today

Because I did this instead.

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Saturday, December 2

99% Nerd and...Embracing It?

So, I took a nerd test tonight and the results, they were depressing. Following it, however, I had this conversation:

BitterEpiphany: and he pointed out that the fact that i can identify all of the kennedies in the family photo album counts against me
Other Person: oh my god. that is weird.
Other Person: There was an arguemtn on face book on how Rob Kennedy was related to John Kennedy. care to enlighten us?
BitterEpiphany: As in Bobby Kennedy of recent film fame?
Other Person: yeah.
BitterEpiphany: Brothers
BitterEpiphany: If you're refering to John, not John John

I am severely depressed right now :P

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