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Sunday, July 31

Bad Things To Misspell & The Harrowing Life Of A Cheeky Skin

First, I wanted to get away from this a bit before I mocked it. It seemed politer that way.

Now we all know that I am forever making typos, misspellings, and three am mistakes...it's just...thats one of those screennames that you should really run through the spell checker before you post it. Seriously, self-respect people. Next, we come to one of the many terrifying things that I encounter in my day. This is the fate of one of my skins. I might cry. Maybe I don't want to know who uses these things afterall.

Wednesday, July 27


What is this, the day of downtime?

Messenger went down last night. At about 1:30 everyone I know in Racine logged off spontaneously and reappeared. Ironically, it seems to have only been racine that was affected - AIM remained stable. Invision took TDA down, the bay was patchy and I won't even begin to discuss our archive...sheesh....

By the way, The Streets have made it onto my computer. Any suggestions for music are welcome.

I'm not desperate enough for Amy Lee but if someone doesn't bail me out with a new release soon i'm going to be.

These Don't Look Like M&M's To Me

Perhaps i'm just sex deprived but these DO NOT look like M&M's, they look like condoms!

To continue the theme of the advertisement, you can get custom inscribed M&M's.

What I Want To Do For My Birthday

Venue: Abbey Pub
Address: 3420 W. Grace Street
State: IL
Phone: 773-478-4408
Doors: 8:00PM
Ages: 18+
Cost: $10/$12
-> Performing a live freestyle improvisation: Eyedea, Carnage, Mazta I, Kristof Krane, J.T Bates on drums and Casey O'Brien on bass

Special guests: Silent Army and The Crest


Tuesday, July 26

I Am Vindicated

My refusal to sleep on hotel sheets is finally vindicated without the use of a blacklight

new policies

Thursday, July 21

How Low Can You Go?

I find this revolting. I opened the aim beta today to have a chat with a friend and this monstrosity appeared on top of the window.

Previously, I have refrained from making much comment on the amount of advertising. I didn't complain publically when their ads got bigger. I didn't complain when they started to move. I didn't complain when they started to swell outside of the aim box. I didn't complain when they started to make noise and I kept my mouth shut when they disabled the mute all sounds function.

This simply begs to be complained about. I refuse to have advertising intruding into the middle of my conversation windows. I've accepted that it must exist on newspapers - it's how they pay their staff. I've accepted that half of most magazines are useless ads. I've accepted that TV must be interupted with advertising. I've accpeted the occasional pop-up that no number of blockers can catch. I deal cooperatively with on site ads and, for those that need the funding, will frequently click and close to toss them the thirty cents. Every click counts. I know that.

Tuesday, July 19

My (Long and Unpopular) Opinion of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

This was, possibly, JKR's most anticipated release. With every teenage tween in the world in her grips , the additional fans brought in buy the WB's movie releases as well as a two year hiatus, fans had time to really tear apart everything she siad in and after the release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (OOTP) and work themselves into a nice anticipation about what this story would be.

We were disappointed.

While the plotpoints were up to her usual par, the delivery of the tale was botched for several reasons, some her fault, some no longer within her control.

The First Deviation:

One of the biggest arguments in the fanfiction world is how canon to keep things. All of JKR's releases, this one excluded, have been told from the perspective, and only from the perspective of Harry Potter. For fanfiction fan's, this is a limitaton that many will not accept as it means that everything one wishes to say must be said through a 16-year old boy. For the first time in about 4000 pages, JKR deviated from that. For me, it was a sign of things to come; this is bad.

That is not to say that she has not foreyed into third-person encounters with other characters before. There are a few hundred people shaking their fists at me right now and shouting "What about the beginning of GOF (Goblet of Fire - Book 4)" To them, I say, what of it? The beginning of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire told a short tale of a man named Frank Bryce but the encounter was not a disjoined one; it was a dream that Harry had.

That said, the beginning of the chapter itself was fairly well done. Not up to par, perhaps but she was venturing out of the usual and that's usually a little dangerous for any author. I was a bit displeased with the interplay between Bellatrix and Narcissa - effective at conveying the point, perhaps, but there is so much more richness beneath these two characters that was not employed or even alluded to.

These chapters lay the groundwork for the tension point in the rest of the book; Draco, the Unbreakable Bond, and Snape's true loyalties.

Chapter Three: Mundane

Perhaps this is one of the dangers of reading quite a lot of fanfiction (by choice or by queue) but there were no surprises in this chapter for me. Shock and awe as they replace the Fudge, call Harry a tragic hero and generally blunder through saving the Wizarding World when they've no idea what they're doing. Though, I did find the newspaper clippings in Hedwigs cage interesting on several levels - first, it was a great way to get the information across in a straight-forward, page-saving fashion without coming outright and having a character say it and it was also a great set up for whichever yet unknown director is chosen to make this film.

It was interesting, to say the least, for Dumbledore himself to come and fetch Harry from Privet Drive. Generally such a strong character, Dumbledore seemed to lack something. Many have postulated that this has more to do with his illness and impending death (Yes, he dies. Yes, you know it at this page in the book. If you don't, you're an idiot.) and less to do with her seemingly incompetence. It's really quite hard to determine which is right and which is wrong. It would be easy to believe that she was foreshadowing, at this stage, were it not for all of the other flat, underdeveloped, overly simmilar, dialogue and character descriptions in this book.

We move to the dispensation of Sirius' will; not at all surprising though, I was quite disappointed in how they set it up. Where the other books would have given you a few pages between a conflict and it's reslution, this book started straight away at solving things before you really knew what was happening. Unpleasent.

Naturally, this could have been done well (the speed of the thing) if she'd only inserted a few lines to the effect but she just sort of left it hanging there, like quite so many other things.

Chapter Four: When Did That Happen

Chapter Four is the first of many rather large actions that sent readers like me (those of us who re-read OOTP before reading this) into a bit of a confused frenzy. A 16-year old boy with a pension for trouble who has so very recently (a two week time span) been locked away, sheltered and protected by so many is seldom given so much free reign over two weeks without explaination.

It should be added that, at this point, I entered a semi-lucid state known as "The Hemingway Paradox;" that one enters when trudging diligently through something one doesn't want to read for the exponential crappiness of it all. This is the point where I started missing things.

Chapter Five: The First Inklings...

It is in chapter five that the unsettingling feeling of something being up truely sets in. I'm not refering to a plot device or change here - but to the emotional ages of the characters in question.

Hermione Granger

First Kiss: 14 Viktor Krum, international quidditch player.
Favorite Hobby: Reading and Worrying
Most Visible Personality Trait: Well-thought. Hermione seldom does anything without thinking it through. Her plans do not often backfire.

Ron Weasley

First Kiss: As yet unknown
Favorite Hobby: Whinging, avoiding homework, coming up with off the wall theories, Wizards Chess, Quidditch, Exploding Snap
Most Visible Personality Trait: He's a bit of an idiot. Well, he is!

Harry Potter

First Kiss
: 15. Cho Chang. She made the move, he's still as big of a prat as ever.
Favorite Hobby: Quidditch, postulating ways other people might be trying to kill him, skulking
Most Visible Personality Trait: Hero complex. Pension for whinging.

These are the characters i've grown to love and loathe and this is where it all starts to come crashing down.

Ginny Weasley

First Kiss:
13. I think. So far, shes the only socially well developed character in the bloody book.
Favorite Hobby: She enjoys Quiddich and always has a boyfriend. As an underdeveloped terciary character, thus far, we know very little about her.
Most Visible Personality Trait: She's Weasley through and through - most particularly, Bill and the Twins. She has a rather large predaliction toward jokes and trouble but with quite enough brains on her head to keep her out of the actual trouble part of things.

Chapter Five: Here it comes....

Borgin and Burkes

In Borgin and Burkes, a shop for Dark Magic in Diagon Alley, we meet Draco Malfoy (this is, of course, after they sneak off under the invisibity cloak to follow him) This scene is mediocre at best until the moment when Hermione, character bio above, gets the brilliant idea that she will simply go into the shop, pawing dark objects at random, playing the part of the giggling girl and insisting that she wishes to buy Draco a birthday present. This, of course, is her ingenious plan for finding out what Draco asked the shopkeeper to reserve for him.

Ladies and gents this wouldn't work in a Wal-Mart, this wouldn't work in a jewelery store and it certainly wouldn't work in a shop where everything purchased is of such...questionable morals. Mind also that Hermione is, clearly, not a pureblood witch. Remember that the Wizarding World is a small one and that the odds of bieng able to pick out a direct line descendent from a crowd would not be unusual.

Madame Malkins: A headache for all occasions...

Note to Self: Never, ever, ever, hit yourself on the head with a 650 page hardback.

Lucius Malfoy is a Death Eater, Murderer, was outsmarted by a batch of teenagers, caputered, a prisoner of Azkaban, etc.. These are descriptive terms I can come up with on the fly. These are terms that Harry, in previous books, has used to describe Lucius. As evidence of the rapid decline in quality control, this is the best she could do when encountering Draco and Narcissa (son and wife to Lucuis, respectively.)

"Harry looked mockingly all aroundt he shop. "Wow...look at that...he's not here now! So why not have a go? They might be ablet o find you a double cell in Azakban with your loser of a husband!" (Page 115, HBP - bold and italics mine)

There are no words. Oh, wait! Yes there are; Ow.

At this stage, we step into a lot of mediocre chapters that work simmilarly to the ones i've already pointed out and I, unlike Jo Rowling, have no desire to make you suffer through them.

One of the great things about a really bad book is that, for the most part, you know everything that is going to happen within the first two hundred pages and, were it not for the fact that i ahve a relatively vested interest in knowing the ins and outs - becuase i'm praying they'll have given her back whatever drug they've taken her off of by the time she's into the 7th book - i would have been able to put it down straight away and not worry about it.

There's a series of awkward and all too quickly delivered chapters. There's a page on which Ron and Ginny get into a shouting match in the hallway over her...uh..escapades with boys - none of which seem extreme or out of whack with a normal fifteen year old. There's a page dedicated entirely to how 'fanciable' Harry has become.

It's not bad, if the authore were a 15 year old fanfigirl and not the creator of the series. Her camp has confirmed, prior to the release of this book that JKR, from time to time, does read fanfiction. Until July 16th, I would have thought that a lie to placate people like Jay who invest thousands of dollars in running sites like HPFF. Now, I believe it fully and completely and really wish she would lay off!

All of that complaining done, however, the plotpoints in this book were still good and i'm forever grateful for the Remus/Tonks scene in the end bit. However, even those 35 lines or so could be torn apart and contested as compeletly off balance with the rest of the series.

Alas, i think she may have lost her touch.

Sunday, July 17

World Peace and Pie.

Today I made the first pie with Gram's rolling pin since she died in January. It was kind of nice, because the house was empty so I could sort of just make it.

I would say that I could hear her turning around in her grave (i may or may not have used more eggs than she prefers) but she was cremated so perhaps I should say that she was blowing in the wind or, better yet, maybe she's trying to burn me in hellfire because it's hot as can be outside.

In any case, the oven is pre-heating and my peach pie is happily awaiting baking in the fridge.

Corn Cam

Mike found this and i think it's too good not to share.

Saturday, July 16

Dancing In My Socks

It may be humiliating later but i'm happy as hell at the moment and, whatever shit I take for it, i'll take cuz i haven't been this happy in years.

Perhaps its a combination of punk rock, sleep deprivation, a boring day, staring at a forum all day and too much cookie dough but i am disproportionatly happy that i got my ship :)

Friday, July 15

Oh Quit Fucking Whining

So the last like 10 posts are transfers from my features page. I'm deleting it, i can't stop people from reading my blog so there's no point in trying to keep them seperate. Those are all old. Ignore them. Except the one about Mike and King, because that's funny every time.

Airline Peanuts

My father had a job interview in Cleveland, OH today and, in the true pattern of my father - he brought me a souvenir. Airline Peanuts. Now, I was previously prepared to be irritated with this until I read the back.

Call me crazy but I think the last bit is rather FUCKING OBVIOUS. Except for the "Porcess" part - that was my own addition.

So Meet the Lion

Wow, so meet the lion.

The lion before she tried to eat me...

The lion after she tried to eat me. Now she can make a mean face. Seriously - here I am, four feet away, literally. Protected by those tiny little wires. Here's a female lion who just finished headbutting the door so she could get back outside, roaring at full volume. Seriously. They're blurry images but it was a no flash zone and I was being terrified by a large, deadly, angry creature.

The Bait

For those of you that read my blog, you already know that my hamster, Max, escaped. He still hasn't turned up and i'm trying to keep an open mind and a positive outlook about his return. In the mean time, I've set several hamster traps, the latest of which is FURRY!

Yes, that's right, I'm taking matters into my own hands. How do you convince a boy to come back? Why by getting him laid, of course. She doesn't have a name yet but she's a young brown hamster that I rescued from Petco's adoption center today. Secretly, I think it's just my mother trying to replace max without making me feel bad about doing it because she rather fell in love with the little guy, as we all did, but I still have some silly hope that he'll, literally, trip and fall into my hamster trap or wander back to his cage so he can hang out with his new girlfriend :) At least her scent might attract him back to the cage area so we can catch him - the two cages are not connected. (I don't need to add to petco's adoption center :))

I know the pictures aren't that great but she's just come home and she's still a little skittish. Once she adjusts i'll be able to take some better ones but for now I didn't want to spook her too much.

Drivel aside, she needs a name! Help! Oh, and, as usual, click to expand.

Max The Might Monk...er..Hamster

Meet Max. He's my overweight hamster and I just thought i'd finally like to prove to you disbelievers that he actually climbs his cage. I know it's a crappy shot but he gets skiddish and jumps down when you move a lot and coming at him with a camera qualifies as moving around a lot so there wasn't much time for framing.

And this is a picture of him sitting on the edge of his food bowl. Really, i just think he's cute :)

10 Step Tree Removal

Here is a moment that made it worth buying my digital camera. A $350 purchase was justified in about 20 minutes of hilarity. You'll have to excuse the image quality, the pictures were taken from inside of a car while there was a solar flare outside the window and, since this is candid photography at it's finest, there was no time for exposure adjustments and my lazy ass doesn't feel up to photoshopping them at this juncture. After all, I did have to turn them right side up and crop them. The pictures this camera takes print out at 20X30...so..ya know...they're large.

Did I mention that this tree was struck by lightening and still able to thwart them?

I like to call this one huh? It features Mike and King, one on the ground, one in the tree, staring blankly at a half attached branch. Such manly men, these two. You can, of course, click to expand into oblivion (did i mention these images are huge?)

For my next performance, i'd like to show you something i've named Is she taking pictures?

As a side note, here's a close up of the culprit.

Then we have the next feature in our 10 steps to tree removal, Let the idiot in the tree lift this branch way up above your head.

Moving right along to Catch! (Hey! If you look really closely, there's even a little bit of "that bitch is still taking pictures!")

A shining moment of What if I swing from it while you stand on it?

A dash of Out on a limb: Because This Broken Branch Can Support My Weight.

At this point, you may be asking yourself why one of them is in the tree at all. Trust me, I asked myself the same question, but then I was forcibly reminded by this little film, why they were in the tree at all. Trust me, it's worth a watch.

Break Time! No, seriously, they took a break halfway through to watch a vehicle get towed. I'd like you to view this picture, instead of from my perspective, but from the perspective of the unsuspecting tow truck driver. I bet it made the guy with the flat tire feel a lot less stupid.

Look! We're Ballerinas! (With a lot less grace.)

And, finally, we come to the triumphant moment where the branch gave in. Yes, this is for all of you who mend your cars with duct tape and tarp straps. Hell, this is for all of you who know what a tarp strap is: The moment of triumph when the branch gave in. The face says "You know, she's going to blog this, right?"

'I reckon that thar one's gunna weigh summat. Ya'll shuld enter that thar in the County Fer.'

I wanted to show you two things that make me wonder what we've done to deserve a world like this.

First, Everything I Ever Hated About D&D

And, second, I went to Toys 'R' Us the other day to get some Easter Basket paraphernalia for my cousin and, as I was wondering through one of the isles, came across these beauties. I'd like you to take a moment to note the two USA puzzle maps, Powerpuff Girls games and the Mr. Potato head, and then to read the titles of these games. "Unbalanced Death" and "Stabbing Pain." I'm sorry but am I not at a Toys 'R' Us. In what universe did the stock boy decide that it went Map of USA, Powerpuff Girls, CSI Death Games, Mr. Potato Head?

As always, if you're feeling myopic, click to zoom.

Old Ladies Kick Ass

Thanks to Marie for this one.

This is the greatest - it's almost as good as Chopper 4 - but nothing will ever be that good again.

Click here to download the file :)

Thursday, July 7

Can You Hear That Thudding Noise?

The loud thunk you've been hearing all morning is the sound of my head banging against the wall.

Don't worry, the noise should decrease as the tiny bones in my skull fracture, catapulting them into my brain and gradually decreasing my fine motor skills until I eventually die from *headdesk*


Anybody want in on the "who are we going to use this as an excuse to bomb" poll? It costs a dollar but I can be had for a cup of coffee. The caffeine makes the abusing my skull easier.

Did I mention I haven't slept? At all? Ugh.

Wednesday, July 6

A Conundrum


I do not want to go to Harry Potter fest in Cleveland, OH next weekend. I do not want to go to Cleveland, OH next weekend at all. I want to stay in my home in my bed and away from my family.

Sooooo...I need to brainstorm here and i'd like to borrow your noggins. I need to find something that will placate my family members and can be called a birthday celebration (mine) without actually requiring any effort on my part, least of all a 72 hour commitment and a 13 hour drive.


It occured to me only a moment ago that I do not posess anything that doesn't have a witty political quip in it or intelligent reference to great literature. I was just looking for a nothing film and running on Dogma, DLM, the Gilmore Girls, Michael Moore, The Daily Show, Real Time w/Bill Mahr....and a few episodes of Nova and C-SPAN is running in one of the three million browser windows i have open...

I'm either the All American dream child or i'm a freak. Sadly, i think it's the latter.

I have nothing to watch.

Sunday, July 3

An Ode To The Pickle

I did a little bit of history research on the pickle, one of my favorite foods.

I thought they should have an ode

Saturday, July 2


I had forgotten how much I love watching C-SPAN. It's a never ending fashion show of bad toupees and stupidity.

Friday, July 1

Unnatural Pairings

Stalin and Musolini have mated successfully. Unfortunately, they failed to ask me first.

Presently, i have three visible little red things crawling around on the bottom of a makeshift cage. It will be about 6 weeks until babies are ready for new homes and there is a chance they may not make it that far but, shoot me an e-mail if you're interested in one because i'm desperate to find them homes.

Homes, by the way, means like a home where people will love them and not feed them to another animal....ya know...what a critera :)