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Sunday, December 26

Quote Of The Day

"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."

Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 - 1968), Strength to Love, 1963

Saturday, December 25


I'm sure there are all sorts of glitches i need to fix - like i've seen them and i just need to get around to it, and i will, but yeah. Anyway - my new home can be found here

Wednesday, December 22


When I got off of work yesterday, I said "Hmm...I smell a long winded post coming on!" Well, now, i've forgotten what the long-winded post I intended was about, but I've found motivation for another one.

I turned on the TV last night to watch a show I really like and ended up leaving it on for a while. When the 10 o'clock news came on in the background, I didn't think anything of it. The next thing I know, I'm staring an elderly woman in the face who was the victim of a robbery and rape.

This woman had her house repeatedly broken into by a group of approximately five people and her belongings stolen. One night, one of the intruders took it farther, pushing her into her bedroom and demanding she remove her clothes while the other four watched from the doorway. Fortunately, the media is bound to privacy rights - I don't want to know what happened to her in any more detail than that.

The event, in and of itself makes me ill, but the real kicker was that the boy who raped her was only 11 and those watching were no more than 13.

You can say that this is just Kay getting on her soapbox again, and in a way, it is, but you cannot deny the disgusting nature of what happened here. An 11 year-old boy raped an elderly woman.

My brother is 11.

What's wrong with a society in which children as young as six die in schools because another six year old brought a gun along? What causes an 11 year-old to rape someone?

Where are you supposed to hand out blame? The parents? The government? The news? The music? The video games? Where?

I guess this wasn't as long winded as I expected it to be...I dunno, I just felt that anyone who didn't know, should, and anyone who did know, should take a moment to reflect on it.

Monday, December 20

Everyone In The World Is A Whiny Little Bitch

I just thought I should say that.

I'm trying to bake you no-life, assholes. Grow up. Get a job. Quit fucking bitching to me because I said you can't call the moderators Nazi's and compare us to Soviet Russia. A topic, by the way, I'd venture none of you know shit about.

MSN Money - Why young Americans are drowning in debt

MSN Money - Why young Americans are drowning in debt

Here's the Awareness, now where's the public outcry for more grants? A stop-cap on colleges selling student names and addresses to credit card companies?

Oh, that's right, it's no where. We can talk and talk about how you cannot expect the youth to exist and call them irresponsible, but the fact is, in their day, you could go through college and work a part time job and walk out with no bills if you went to a communit college. Now, you can't work full time, go to school full time, and make tuition, books, and room & board. *sigh* Back to work with me :)

Friday, December 17

We're All A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts...

So...my mom's car broke down. She's stuck in the ghetto... She's not happy.

And my ankle hurts.

In the immediate moment, I'm more concerned about my ankle. My father is on the way to retrieve my mother...

Thursday, December 16

For Those of You That Watch The OC

An entire season and a half of Marissa's bullshit - explained in 2.5 seconds of next weeks previews.

Femme Slash, here we come!

More About The Holidays!

Do I sound insane?

So, somewhere in the midst of all of this, my conscience got the better of me and said "Gift Cards - Come on, Kay! You can do better than that!" And for the most part, I did.

I went on a shopping spree this morning and managed to pick up a few things for a few people, but I still need to (notice how this is rapidly deteriorating into me using Blogger as a task manager :P Yes, I did, too.)

Call Vikkies and see if they have the Charmuse Satin PJ's in Ivory or Fresh Blue because I'm afraid to wait for shipping.

Stop at B&N for a few gift cards

Keep my eyes peeled for the Estes Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Rocket to come off of backorder literally everywhere so I can order it for my brother. He doesn't mind getting his gift late. What a good kid *pats jameson on the head*

Possibly stop at Hot Topic and pick up some gift cards for Brian and Clayton cuz somewhere in there i'm just not patient with the "Okay...a week til christmas and you haven't figured out what to buy them yet..."

Bake a ton of cookies - Peanut Butter most specifically and some Buns for my grandfather.

*sigh* Damn that conscience...

Wednesday, December 15

Feeling Way Less BaHumbug In The Air?

Wow. This is a major relief.

Until now, my office has been talking about making the office crew work a half day on the 24th. For a girl with now three stops on Christmas Eve, that wasn't sitting well. Though, the other talk of the entire week following off was a rather happy bit of gossip :P.

As it turns out, not only does the entire office staff have the week following Christmas until January 3rd off, we also don't have to work at all Christmas Eve. Meaning, my holiday season just got a big expansion in the waist and I'm a very happy girl.


Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 14

Christmas Cheer

Free money - the best part about christmas.

I've only been here a few weeks and my boss, who at first glance is slightly imposing but really is very nice (though my view may be slanted by the padding in my pocket) gave me a christmas bonus.

1. I don't actually work for him.
2. I've been here like three minutes.
3. I do nothing all day.

But yes, that's enough to make me hate today slightly less. That and that for the first time in the last 24 hours, I'm warm. Oh, and I'm not tired. That's another bonus. I fell asleep at like 7:30 last night. It was very refreshing.

Monday, December 13


<---is having a really hard time with the fact that I still have another 50 minutes of work to go

<---would really really like to go home and go to bed right now.

Don't Mind This


Don't mind those. I offered to throw together a template for Siren...I needed to save her color choices and this seemed the perfect place to do it. You'll just like it or you can just get over it :P

Don't Mind This

Notice The Changes?

Yeah, set it up in an entirely different fashion and i'm sure most of you hate it, but "Ha!" I don't give a damn :P

I'm at work. My arthritis is acting up. That doesn't fair well for a day full of...well...work.

I'm tired. Very very very tired.

Friday, December 10

Thank You

I'm starting to forget what it was like not to be going through something horrible. That makes me extremely sad, but I suppose, it really has no choice but to get better soon :P.

All in all, at the moment, I'm handling it not-too-bad, given the circumstances. At least, I'm doing better now than I was a week ago. I'm trying to be more relaxed and realize that the only things within my control are to make sure that I get what I need and that the people around me who I care about get what they need. That can be done. I think. I mean, other than like a week off or something silly like that, it can be done.

It looks like my employer is going to give us the option to take the entire week off between Christmas and New Year. If they do, I think I'll take it and try to spend my days somewhere in between my Gram's house and my Grandpa Lingo's house. It's really sad. Not so much scary, just sad. I know the process of death, the grieving process, the process that the patient goes through. I know what the cancer looks like. I understand what the doctor is saying before he says it and I know what's coming next. In some respects, i've done this before, but it's still so sad.

I can't say that i'm reminded of how fragile life is, watching my Great-Grandmother hooked up to 11 or so tubes to help her live, because i've always known how fragile life is. I've watched it fall apart before in children.

You know, a lot of people say that as their parents and grandparents age they begin to see them as children, feeble and weak. Sitting in that hospitol last night, I couldn't see her as feeble or weak, even as she couldn't lift her leg to free her toes from the blanket or even her hand to sign the waivers. I was looking at the same woman that i've been looking at since I was born. She's older now. Her skin feels more like a fine leather. But at the core, she's stronger now than I've ever known her. She looked a doctor in the eye, a doctor who basically told her she was dying - that it was going to be quick and there wasn't anything he could do for her to make it stop, and she told him she wasn't going anywhere before Christmas. When he looked back at her, he believed her.

I've lived my entire life with a great woman. She wasn't rich. She wasn't always nice. She wasn't always kind or friendly. She wasn't a great humanitarian. She didn't cure the common cold. But she taught me lessons, inadvertant as they may have been, that I'll never forget. Most of all, she taught me to fight for what you believe in and never let it go 'til you're ready.

I love you Gram, but you don't have to stick around for us. You raised us. We'll come out fine.

Thursday, December 9

Consider This Your Final Warning

The next idiot that does something to potentially impeed my happiness gets his or her respective ass kicked into next week.

my pateince is shot

Tuesday, December 7

Maybe Some Things Never Change

*sigh* There are things threatening to bring down my semi-good mood. Curse them...

FYI - I did you one better, Mike. I got a fertalizer truck and a tanker dragging kerosene

Monday, December 6

Some Things About Life

Have a way with being amusing...

"We are now taking orders for Christmas cookies. Please let us know what kind you want made. So far we have made two batches of Billie Goat Cookies (haven't quite figure out why these are considered Christmas cookies) and one batch of crinkle cookies. We are also planning on making ice box cookies, klieners and want other your mother can think up. So let us know what else needs to be made. We are thinking for Christmas eve rather than having a dinner we would have all kinds of snacks and do some baking along the way. Currently klieners are scheduled to be cooked December 18th."

Chuck just made my day - that's the greatest e-mail ever. I don't know why this struck me as funny - I think just because it's so...odd...and yet effective. I'm all for it.

Sunday, December 5

Have You Met My Friend Total Exhaustion?

Exhastion, meet Yoga. and booze....

Thursday, December 2

Fashion Badness - For Boys

*counts the number of people who read this that do one or more of these things* Yup, totally worth it.

Adobe Acrobat

Oh - My - God

How much do I hate this program? The amount of time i spent using it today isn't entirely it's fault. Most of it is the fault of the person who asked me to do it and his lack of understanding of his own PPAP, but thats okay, he's new to having someone else working on it.

Once you create a PDF, you can't edit it. Meaning, once I created the document in question and realized that two of the pages are in the wrong order - I can't change them. I've been using this software all damn day and it makes me want to scream. Yes, that's right - SCREAM.

Oh well, 3 done. 2 to go.

Wednesday, December 1

Welcome To Hell!

I thought - "Hey, it snows all winter. I should really work on getting to be at peace with that." - then this morning happened

5:30 am - Alarm 1 goes off
5:31 am - Alarm 2 goes off
5:32 am - finally register that two alarms are going off. Hit them with blunt objects until they stop beeping, buzzing, blinking, and shaking.
5:35 am - Alarm 3 goes off. It's a computer alarm. Think NOFX. Loud.
5:36 am - Frantically scramble to find keyboard, type password, not go blind, and press mute.
5:37 am - Attempt to reset alarm 1.
5:38 am - Christen December 1st - 2005 "The Great Alarm Clock Slaughter."
5:39 am - Find Cell Phone
5:42 am - Set Cell Phone Alarm and struggle to go back to sleep.
5:45 am - Throw cell phone (at a padded object) because you only got three minutes of snooze time.
5:47 am - Fall into shower.
6:10 am - Practically electrocute self trying to brush teeth and plug in flat iron at the same time
6:15 am - Emerge - dressed, showered and primped
6:20 am - Make toast. Wait.
6:22 am - Leave toast in the toaster. Make Lunch.
6:27 am - Yell at brother to get out of bed
6:30 am - Find coat.
6:34 am - Yell at brother to get out of bed
6:37 am - Check to make sure you have everything together
6:40 am - Yell at brother to get out of bed.
6:42 am - Realize you forgot lunch on counter. Retrieve.
6:45 am - Yell at brother to get out of bed.
6:45 am - Realize you're supposed to be leaving right now.
6:46 am - Yell at mother to make brother hurry.
6:47 am - Overhear argument over brother wearing boots to school. Fall down stairs on way to get said boots.
6:48 am - Walk to car.
6:49 am - Realize locks are frozen shut
6:50 am - Commit Suicide