10 Step Tree Removal
Here is a moment that made it worth buying my digital camera. A $350 purchase was justified in about 20 minutes of hilarity. You'll have to excuse the image quality, the pictures were taken from inside of a car while there was a solar flare outside the window and, since this is candid photography at it's finest, there was no time for exposure adjustments and my lazy ass doesn't feel up to photoshopping them at this juncture. After all, I did have to turn them right side up and crop them. The pictures this camera takes print out at 20X30...so..ya know...they're large.
Did I mention that this tree was struck by lightening and still able to thwart them?
I like to call this one huh? It features Mike and King, one on the ground, one in the tree, staring blankly at a half attached branch. Such manly men, these two. You can, of course, click to expand into oblivion (did i mention these images are huge?)
For my next performance, i'd like to show you something i've named Is she taking pictures?
As a side note, here's a close up of the culprit.
Then we have the next feature in our 10 steps to tree removal, Let the idiot in the tree lift this branch way up above your head.
Moving right along to Catch! (Hey! If you look really closely, there's even a little bit of "that bitch is still taking pictures!")
A shining moment of What if I swing from it while you stand on it?
A dash of Out on a limb: Because This Broken Branch Can Support My Weight.
At this point, you may be asking yourself why one of them is in the tree at all. Trust me, I asked myself the same question, but then I was forcibly reminded by this little film, why they were in the tree at all. Trust me, it's worth a watch.
Break Time! No, seriously, they took a break halfway through to watch a vehicle get towed. I'd like you to view this picture, instead of from my perspective, but from the perspective of the unsuspecting tow truck driver. I bet it made the guy with the flat tire feel a lot less stupid.
Look! We're Ballerinas! (With a lot less grace.)
And, finally, we come to the triumphant moment where the branch gave in. Yes, this is for all of you who mend your cars with duct tape and tarp straps. Hell, this is for all of you who know what a tarp strap is: The moment of triumph when the branch gave in. The face says "You know, she's going to blog this, right?"
'I reckon that thar one's gunna weigh summat. Ya'll shuld enter that thar in the County Fer.'
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