Cutest. Socks. Ever
 So, seriously - buy them. I know the angle sucks but i'm a graphic designer, not a photographer. I can't be held responsible for my school girlish glee and crappy photography skills. It's hard to photograph your own feet while you're standing up and trying to resist the urge to dance in your cute socks. Labels: halloween, holidays, reviews, wishlist
This One's For Courtney
Now I remember why I seperated the blogs! [ Cathouse: The Series] How is it that, until about an hour ago, I didn't know this series existed? It is sublime entertainment. A brothel in Vegas. I know that I don't need to say more, but I will because holy shit is this show hilarious. Anyway, Courtney, you must find a way to procure this. I'd have told you this personally but you weren't online so you'll just have to find out this way. Labels: reviews, smut - the theme, television, wishlist
The Playlist
So i got a weird weird weird e-mail today but, as with most quirky requests, no matter the aspect of my life, i'm happy to comply. Fergie - London Bridge Christina Aguilera - Candyman Atmosphere - Bam The Streets - Don't Mug Yourself Elastica - Car Song Christina Aguilera - I Got Trouble Gwen Stefani - Bubble Pop Electric Britney Spears - Outrageous Christina Aguilera - Still Dirrty Atmosphere - Better Man Christina Aguilera - Nasty Naughty Boy Garbage - Hammering In My Head Smash Mouth - Diggin' Your Scene 50 Cent - Candyshop Diamond Nights - The Girl's Attractive Fergie - Here I Come (to be fair - the only reason this is on is because i've been listening to it in the god damned CW commercials for months)Goldfrapp - Strict Machine RX - I'm John Kerry Black Eyed Peas - My Humps Komeda - It's All Right Baby Goldfrapp - Fly Me Away Peaches - Fuck The Pain Away Sparks - Perfume Justin Timberlake - Sexyback Rihanna - SOS Sparks - Can I Invade Your Country Er, well, that's the only playlist I have...It's for rollerblading. Labels: music, odd stuff
 I fell behind on the countdowns - a lot. Life does that, huh?
Labels: halloween
This Post Brought To You By The FCC
 Okay, so I admit it, I'm a little disappointed with the Journal article but I did get some cute fishnet gloves yesterday and Mike found some of those little popping toy things that everyone has to love so much. Plus, they have pumpkins :) Labels: halloween, holidays, hpff, mike, news, rants
iTunes 7 Part Deux
A few days ago, I blogged about iTunes 7 and someone asked me to clarify my claim that it will ruin your life so...erm...I will...or i'll try. The only way i've found to fully describe it so far is 'Honey, remember how iTunes ran on Beta 1...yeah, it runs like that.' and I doubt that is going to do anyone not running Beta 1 any good. Open up your case, pull out half your ram. Then turn on Photoshop, Image Ready, Firefox, Illustrator, Maya, Windows Media Player Beta 11 and pretty much any other power hungry piece of software you can find - then run them all at full capacity - render something in maya, open up a 200 layered document in Photoshop and then rip an mpeg clip into Image Ready, start creating some vectors, make good use of live search and open as many tabs as you can think of. Then, when you've got this all running (smoke should be coming out of your tower at this point) then and only then should you start iTunes and ask it to play a video. It skips, jumps, jolts, does backflips and turns decent quality video and audio into a jerky mess. It will ruin your life, it really will. Labels: computers and software, reviews
What's This Button Do?
So i'm on Mike's PC at the moment to accomplish a few goals. 1. To keep me busy. 2. To update the halloweeny counters. 3. Did I mention I was bored? 4. To keep me from chewing off my fingernails until he gets back from lunch with Frannie so I can see my Wall Street Journal Article. Anyway, and i'm looking at the sidebar - cuz the boy is running RC1 full time now - and I'm seeing a countdown and I can't figure out what it's for. 1 day, 23 hours, 17 minutes and 20, no 21 seconds... Hey, is that a count-up? Now i'm very perplexed. Oh well. Apparently you can't make sense out of them all.  Labels: halloween, hpff, mike, news
iTunes 7 Will Ruin Your Life
Mike told me yesterday - was it yesterday? - not to download iTunes 7 because it would ruin my life. Well, unfortunately, i'd already upgraded and, unfortunately it will ruin your life. Just so you know. Labels: computers and software, mike, rants, reviews
Justin Timberlake
Boredum and Good Morning America tends to deal a strange combination of activities for me and, this morning, it was a Justin Timberlake album - namely, the new one. No. Okay, i've never been that big of a fan - or...a fan at all, really - but I'm not impressed. The new single - SexyBack - isn't bad. I hated it more before I heard it so often...lately, the clubby-hip-hop scene has softened up and it tends to take me a bit longer to warm up to things so, ya know, it got me eventually. At least it got me to grab the album. I thought "I Think She Knows" was going to be OK from the first few seconds but, nah...it tripped into that girlie-man, boy band sound way too quickly, and I almost choked on "What Goes Around Comes Around." So, yeah, this is what happens when I have nothing else to blog about. It's a pity I don't feel more free to post about my actual life :P Sorry all. Labels: music, reviews, totally fuckable index
Watched Beerfest. Not Impressed
Okay, so yes, I went into this knowing it was a boy movie. Customarily, a movie called beerfest whose trailers are filled with tits and the worlds most disgusting beverage wouldn't even be something that caught my attention. Maybe it was the excitment of seeing Clerks 2 or perhaps it was the ferver over the airing of a giant Snakes on a Plane trailer just beforehand but I was intrigued enough to at least give this film a try. A lot of nice tits and a few good jokes but it was one of those movies where every funny moment was consolidated into a sixty second spot and aired as an advertisement. Call me bitter, jaded, picky, and elitest but you're going to have to get up earlier in the afternoon to amuse me with a 9 inch sausage joke made by a 90-year old former prostitute. Labels: rants, reviews
Slow News Day
I was just watching my local news and, I thought it was worth noting that, despite an attempted car bombing of the US Embassy in Syria, the results of the primary, low gas prices - and a prediction that demand will drop over the next two years, a gang raped 11-year old, a child porn posessing child psychologist, a local cop on paid leave from the force after kicking the crap out of a guy who just got busted on DWI, they still found time to air some shots of today's big EVA. Shut up, it's Mike's fault I notice. Anyway, I don't think I've heard the words "outer space" spoken with such enthusiasum since the 60's :P Maybe if I click my pink furry slippers together, they'll report some really great news and I can go to bed with some shred of hope for the future. Labels: mike, news, rants
Would You Read This?
Tell me, would you read a book about my life? Today, while i've got three people on the case of the disappearing lesbian Yahoo! Group I'm forced to wonder, those of you who've spent eons reading my blog - tell me, would you buy my book :P Labels: family, personal, rants
Six AM
Getting up at five sounded like a really good idea - particularly after staring at the ceiling for two hours but damn, six am is not great for TV. I've watched two episodes of Roseanne :P Labels: insomnia, television