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Friday, October 27

Save Darfur

I thought i'd pass this link along to those of you with the power of speech.

Save Darfur

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Monday, October 23

Here's A Rant For You

Since when should the weather be a source of suspense? No wonder we're a paranoid fucking society. I turned on the TV tonight to hear, not only a teaser for the WEATHER REPORT, but - worse - one attempting to create an air of suspense.

"More unseasonably cold October weather out there, but will the weather take a turn for the better and send us a warm up? Find out on the 5 o'clock news."

I've never wanted to throttle Mark Baden more than I did at that moment.

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Saturday, October 21

Can You Stand It?

From the creator of Pumpkin Pi and the acclaimed, pumpkin contest winning teacher line-up as well as many other pumpkin carving prizes, i bring you Pumpkin 2006. I took a year off, last year, and I think it had an adverse effect on my carving skills but come on - ;)


Tuesday, October 10

Do You NaNo?

November is National Novel Writing Month and, while I have avoided this for years with HPFF, this year I was sucked in by a killer (super secret...okay, not really) plot and, thus, NaNo.

Kill me now :)


Monday, October 9

I'm Supposed To Die Tonight

It's a pity really, that 25 minutes of my best "North Korea" material was just wasted on a 13 year old boy, because I think you all would've enjoyed it.

A few years ago, people started giving me hell for my statements against joining the military - namely that we're "fighting wars on four dangerous fronts, at this point." because they inevitably turned to me and said "four dangerous fronts?" and I said "Afgahnastan, Iraq, Iran and North Korea" and they said - "...?"

Ladies - Gentelmen, yup.

The hair really should've given it away. The crazy gets into the roots and just shoots out.

[MSNBC:: Nuclear Fucking Weapons]

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Wednesday, October 4

Halloween Skinny Skin Skin!

So call tihs a double post if you will but I'm happy to say that i've gotten done with the halloween reskin. Okay, yeah, it's not really a reskin as much as it is a few pieces of CSS being edited but, nevertheless, it's a change. :)

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Sunday, October 1


I realized, a few days ago, that it was getting to be time for the 2006 Totally Fuckable List and, though I knew Paul Walker and Matt Damon would probably have to fall to the wayside the way many such men do, I never thought I would see the day when my beloved Billie Joe would meet such a fate I figured I would have long since stopped making the list before it's very originator went to a weird place.

Over the years I have forgiven him for many things - tragic acne, horrific bleach jobs - but I never thought I would find something so bad as the apocolyptic extensions he's sporting of late.

<--- sad. What's worse, I probably could have avoided seeing this all together, as I do most of his frightening phases, by simply not paying attention to what he's doing between albums but I was forced to sit through a terrifying Green Day/U2 unholy-fucking-alliance-concert video just a few moments ago and I'm not sure i'll ever fully recover. Not only was he singing U2 but he was doing it wearing that hair! Still, Billie, I don't blame you. I know that, in the past, you've been responsible for your own poor decision making skills regarding fashion and, frankly, while that tie does disguise the fact that you're old enough to have fathered most of your current fanbase, no one ever said it was a great wardrobe choice. Nevertheless, in this case, I blame the girls. Once upon a time when the first batch of tweens that latched onto your tailcoats were squealing your name, you were at least in your 20's, but now, you're being latched onto by a sick beast - the generation born in the 90's - who, as a collective, seem to be making worse fashion decisions than we ever did with our affinity for neon and layers. Long time fan. First time dissenter.

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Shop 'Til You Drop

I just thought I would let my US followers kno that, a scant 14 hours after the US Fiscal Year began, we've spent just shy of 6.5 Billion dollars.

That's All Folks!.

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