I'm Supposed To Die Tonight

It's a pity really, that 25 minutes of my best "North Korea" material was just wasted on a 13 year old boy, because I think you all would've enjoyed it.
A few years ago, people started giving me hell for my statements against joining the military - namely that we're "fighting wars on four dangerous fronts, at this point." because they inevitably turned to me and said "four dangerous fronts?" and I said "Afgahnastan, Iraq, Iran and North Korea" and they said - "...?"
Ladies - Gentelmen, yup.
The hair really should've given it away. The crazy gets into the roots and just shoots out.
[MSNBC:: Nuclear Fucking Weapons]
Labels: announcements, halloween, news, politics
Darn it. <_< I came here looking for a North Korea rant after checkign my google feed this morning. :) Oh well...
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