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Wednesday, June 29

Atlanta Illustrated: Salami Tsunami with Dusty Scott

Atlanta Illustrated: Salami Tsunami with Dusty Scott: "Then the guy asks what dinosaur's name rhymes with 'Kyrannosaurus Dex' and all you can hear is drink orders being placed. By crickets.

If anyone ever opens up a science bar with trivia, I'm going to destroy all who come to challenge me and aren't smarter than I am. Unfortunately, I just don't think it's a good business model.

'We're going to Tesla's Imbibery on 10th. You in? It's trivia night, focus on meteorology.'

'Uhhh...what kind of place is that?'

'A science bar. They run the beer through a centrifuge. It's really...cool...ish.'

'...are there any girls there?'

'Any what?'

'Girls. Are there any girls there?'

'They have a centrifuge.'"

I am so in!

4:07 AM: Bitter Memorium

To forgetting the memories but retaining the lessons.

I feel something like I should have a glass of champagne. It gives me an indescribable amount of confidence and hope to know that, as I sit here in this moment, all I see is an experience.

Saturday, June 25


I just wanted to show everyone this picture we took tonight in the midst of cleaning his cage. (By the way - hamsters are just stupid! They must have a 10 second delay on their memories or something because they crawled right into a canning jar and let me take them out of the cage and into a rubbermaid tub...)

Anyway, armed with the knowledge that Musolini is afraid of heights, Jameson bet me a dollar that he wouldn't fit in a spoon, so off I went to get a spoon and scooped him up. He sat still long enough for me to take the picture before squeaking at me to put him back down.

Needless to say, I won, but i'm not mean enough to insist on the dollar.

So adorable! Don't mind the vibrantly red eyes - they're really not as evil as their namesakes!


Okay, so i'm stuck at the moment on whether or not I plan to cheat on blogger. I really really really like the MSN tie in, but I really really really like the flexability of blogger...I dunno, they both have their pro's and con's.

Then, I logged on to find Blogger Images as a feature and I'm thinking I'm less likely to change since they've finally strayed from the horrid idea that was Hello!

I suppose a test post is in order. Stay tuned.

Monday, June 20

In Case You Ever Wondered

This is why I hate teenage boys. This is why, at no point in my existence, have I ever actually dated 15 year old boy.

"k dis is da vector piece that i worked on for awhile ... i pretty proud of it ... i was listenin to music high as fck n it just came to me ..... i was like cool .... k enuff ....."

I...i just...ugh..

Sunday, June 19

Dead Like Me

On a reccomendation from a friend who shall remain nameless, I sought this out while I was searching for some DVD's to binge on. Normally I feel orderly in my DVD evenings, Godfather Nights, maybe an Audrey Hepburn evening, etc.. but this binge was sheer randomness and I picked up 1-6 of Dead Like Me.

As a TV show, this sucks. Where TV shows usually have plots with romance and mystery, this is a commentary (a satirical one at times) on life, existence, death and the world around us. Don't get me wrong, i'm watching it all but it's not something that brings you back week after week. It begs to be watched in large chunks so you don't miss anything.

Anyone out there feeling like me should probably partake in it :P

Friday, June 17

Friday Post

Meet Stalin and Musollini, my new hamsters!

Today is not a very good day for excitement - thus the purchase of these two cuties. I'll edit tomorrow :)

Saturday, June 11

I'm Sorry

It just spent the last half an hour crying as hard as I've cried in years. That's a feat of some sort - not because I don't cry, but because I do.

I've spent the last seven months learning what it meant when my mother said she was afraid that I was giving up my power. The was she said it was all wrong for me but, put in terms I can understand, it makes a lot more sense. I was letting myself lose control of my life.

I just sat on the deck terrified to stay out there but even more afraid to get up and turn my back to the vast and incrediably well lit, secure backyard.

I've spent the last god knows how long spiting the world for so many injustices. For my parents lack of parenting, for my brother and the inordinate amount of parenting I did, for how badly he's turning out and my role in that, for Sean and for Colin, for Trish, for Ian, for everyone that made Ian feel like he had no one, for everyone that ever made me feel like I had no one, for Andy, for Allison's cancer, and I realized two things that are really more one than two. I've spent so much time being angry with the world/the fates/god/God for the things that i've been through that I never noticed that I've spent the last five years focused so heavily on being angry that I didn't notice it when my patience slipped away completely and I had no feelings left for anyone else. I've been saying for years now that I don't have the energy to put into relationships with other people - that all relationships are effort and I don't have the energy to go there and what I didn't realize is that I would have it if i wasn't so busy being so fucking angry. It's not that I feel like i was entitled to some great fucking life - it would just have been nice if i didn't have to be quite so horrible but i've reached the point where i'm tipping the scales. Where i've got nothing left to give to any but a select few that I could count on one hand and i've only got guilt there for all of the taking i've done.

So this is what the bottom really looks like. I have now been everywhere, ladies and gents.

In any case, i'm sorry. I'm sorry to the people reading this, i'm sorry to..some...of the people who aren't. I've been so pissed off that it never occured to me to turn around and see how everyone else was doing.

Tuesday, June 7

Lets Not Get Too Excited Here...

But Seinfeld in the City is back on because...SARAH'S BACK!!!!

Yes, ladies and gents, Sarah logged on last night. I saw an account - it was called CauldronCake24 and I thought - no! Could it be? Ah, what the hell! - and sent off a PM. Loe and behold SARAH!


Now i just have to tell courtney...and find that picture of mike in the cowboy hat...

Friday, June 3

Reported Marital Problems for the Beckhams?

Now, normally, i'm not one for celebrity news but that makes me sad. Cuz, they've only had sons and I gaurentee you their daughters would be gorgeous.

Should they get a divorce, it would make for a tragedy of epic proportions.

I Am Never Having Children

Today, Jameson had a half day.

He called my mother, from school, at 11 o'clock to ask if a friend could come home with him. She told him "we'll see" - the diplomatic version of "hell no." At 12:30, I got a frantic phone call from my mother informing me that Jameson had just called her from three blocks away - he was on his way home with the afor mentioned friend who did not have permission to come over and could I please get the dishes done.

So i grabbed the dishes and started taking care of them. At this point, Jameson comes home with his friend and proceeds to lock himself in the bathroom for the next hour and a half. Yeah, you guess it - the blueman group emerged.

Back story: About a week ago, my mother told Jameson he could dye his hair. Then she decided to send him with my Grandparents for a week - they do not like Hairdye so he was supposed to wait unitl he got back and I would dye his hair - BLUE. What hte fuck ever, my hair has been every color of the rainbow, sometimes, simultaniously.

Well, apparently he decided he was impatient and did it himself. The walls, his hands, his entire face, the back of his neck, his shirt, the sink, the bathroom floor, and several of our towels are now a semi-permannet smurf blue....everything except the ENTIRE BACK OF HIS HEAD, which is still blonde :P

In any case, if told him to clean up the mess, put white sheets on his bed, swap his pillow cases to white/old t-shirts, bring all of his laundry down so i could get him packed for his two trips, and clean up the disaster in the bathroom.

I've had my fill of tween behaviour for the day, by now and I resume my frantic packing, cleaning, restoring and backing up.

Then I overhear Cody (the friend) mention that he's hungry. Next thing I know, Jameson is no where to be found and I know damn well where they've gone without asking...and his chores aren't done...and by chores i do not mean "Ddily tasks that contribute to the good of the household" I mean, "wash the dye off of the walls you fucking sploser."

He came home to explain to me that they were playing in the gravel road of death. I accuse him of lying. He tries to play it off and ends up with a stupid fucking grin on his face. At this point, enter cody with a piping hot piece of garlic bread.

I wonder how many languages you can say "spending the rest of yourl ife grounded because we give you three rules and you can't follow them." in?

1. Take your phoen with you.
2. Clean up before you leave.
3. Ask before you go anywhere. We'll say yes if you do the two afor mentioned things - you just have to ask so we know where you are.

Fucking hoodlums