Sunday, June 19

Dead Like Me

On a reccomendation from a friend who shall remain nameless, I sought this out while I was searching for some DVD's to binge on. Normally I feel orderly in my DVD evenings, Godfather Nights, maybe an Audrey Hepburn evening, etc.. but this binge was sheer randomness and I picked up 1-6 of Dead Like Me.

As a TV show, this sucks. Where TV shows usually have plots with romance and mystery, this is a commentary (a satirical one at times) on life, existence, death and the world around us. Don't get me wrong, i'm watching it all but it's not something that brings you back week after week. It begs to be watched in large chunks so you don't miss anything.

Anyone out there feeling like me should probably partake in it :P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have absolutely no idea who you are, but I find your posts hilarious. You have a knack for making things funny. And after reading the post a bit down there, I hope you feeling better.

9:29 PM  

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