Tuesday, June 5

Clinque...For Men?

Oh. My. God.

Those of you who know me well, and if you've been reading this for any duration, you can probably count yourself among the afor mentioned crowd, know that I rail on the "metrosexual" about as hard as anyone can without getting the Nerf Anger Bats out, so it should come as no surprise to you that this soft news article made me more than a little sad.

I think it was the first time in all of my years that I actually wanted to think they were referring to the twelve and thirteen year old eyeliner wearing, My Chemical Romance retards.


I get that you guys want to look good, I really do. The concealer I could probably forgive, and I personally thought it was a triumph when it was suggested to some of the ill coifed that they start using an aftershave with moisturizer in it because boy do you guys get rough and scaley fast, but this brow gel is going just a wee bit too far for my tastes.


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