Friday, July 14

Dear Diary...

Last night I had a really weird dream. (And by last night I do mean last night, not the night that it currently is because its' 3am)

In my dream, there was an assasination attempt on Ted Kennedy. He was wounded, but not in critical condition by any means and I, being the fangirl that I am, apparently raced to the hosptial to see him - i think it was probably hoping he would do something funny. So there's me parked on a bench of some sort outside of his room, peering through the crack in the door and in walks Jimmy Carter, apparently there to visit my good man Ted.

But wait, there's more. This was the worlds most star studded hotel because not only was Ted Kennedy in traction, with Jimmy Carter at his side, but in the ultimate of oddness, Jake Gyllinhall, who I loathe, was there also - walking down the hall - i dont know, maybe he was visiting Ted too, because he also sat down on the bench I was camped out at.

To make a long story short, a nurse came in - clearly east German - and chased Jimmy back out into the hall, at which point I abandoned Teen Beats most popular hottie and dedicated all of my attention to a conversation with Jimmy Carter about the Iran-Contra scandal.

Fun, huh?

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