Monday, May 15

Bad TV

Here I sit - or lay, or kind of both - switching between the position in which my spine doesn't hurt and the position where the pressure in my head is temporarily relieved and the position where i'm throwing up from the inability to find a position where my head and my spine and my head don't hurt.

As i'm doing this, i'm watching the season finale of Grey's Anatomy. As a general rule, this show is insanely melodramtic and medically inaccurate, and yet i continue to watch. One, because i'm alone every Monday night and it's infinately better than watching the 9 o'clock news and two becasue the narrative at the beginning and end of the episodes is invariably good. Humerous and bitter but decidedly profound - it's what my blog wishes it could be if i were less verbose and more clear :) Other than trying to summon myself to not vomit again, I made this post for a reason - this show has had one of those dramatic endings...every 15 minutes since the beginning of the epiosde and I - I am annoyed.

I'm really starting to wish that there was someone around to hold my hair and bring me 7UP and soda crackers and advil.

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