Small, Medium, Large
Once upon a time in a land that seems far far away you could get a lot of things in three different sizes; small, medium and large. Now maybe there are some parts of the world where this is still going on but, here, in the United States of America, we have embraced a new tradition: medium, large, extra large, and as big as your head.
Today, while I was tinkering with the new version of MSN Messenger 8.0, something rather unsettling struck me. You see, several years ago, McDonalds was saddled with a very large civil suit alleging that they were responsible for making people fat. At around the same time, some idiot released a DVD documentary called Super Size Me. Now, again, for those of you that are unfamilliar, McDonalds origintaed, in fast food form at least, the extra large. A 32 oz soda and an amount of french fries that no person should ever consume in one sitting all for $3.00 and the health of your heart. Getting back to the civil suit though, in response to public pressure, McDonalds released a line of salads and grilled chicken salad made from parts of the chicken that cost more than $0.004 per lb in addition to what was a very socially responsible move - dropping the Super Size. Many were pleased - that is, until they tried to order a small soda and got a cup that had "medium" scratched out on the bottom. My boyfriend, however, has never had occasion to begrudge this change as his massive, 32-ounce Coke is still available - they simply renamed it "large." Are you following me yet? In ridding themselves of supersize what they actually did is rid themselves of the small to make you feel less guilty for ordering a cancer-causing beverage as big as your head.

What I'm getting at is that today, the day of strange occurances, I discovered something that has only small and medium. Granted, it's a piece of software, but what the hell.
The real thing that occured to me is this - how is it possible for you to have a small and a medium or a small and a large or a medium and a large or a supersize without three to reference them to? A medium is a median between two things and without a large and a small, one can't define medium.
Crabby coders and all that jazz. No coffee. No sleep. Bad idea. By the way, my avatar - how totally Punky Brewster is that face. I was so jazzed :)
Today, while I was tinkering with the new version of MSN Messenger 8.0, something rather unsettling struck me. You see, several years ago, McDonalds was saddled with a very large civil suit alleging that they were responsible for making people fat. At around the same time, some idiot released a DVD documentary called Super Size Me. Now, again, for those of you that are unfamilliar, McDonalds origintaed, in fast food form at least, the extra large. A 32 oz soda and an amount of french fries that no person should ever consume in one sitting all for $3.00 and the health of your heart. Getting back to the civil suit though, in response to public pressure, McDonalds released a line of salads and grilled chicken salad made from parts of the chicken that cost more than $0.004 per lb in addition to what was a very socially responsible move - dropping the Super Size. Many were pleased - that is, until they tried to order a small soda and got a cup that had "medium" scratched out on the bottom. My boyfriend, however, has never had occasion to begrudge this change as his massive, 32-ounce Coke is still available - they simply renamed it "large." Are you following me yet? In ridding themselves of supersize what they actually did is rid themselves of the small to make you feel less guilty for ordering a cancer-causing beverage as big as your head.

What I'm getting at is that today, the day of strange occurances, I discovered something that has only small and medium. Granted, it's a piece of software, but what the hell.
The real thing that occured to me is this - how is it possible for you to have a small and a medium or a small and a large or a medium and a large or a supersize without three to reference them to? A medium is a median between two things and without a large and a small, one can't define medium.
Crabby coders and all that jazz. No coffee. No sleep. Bad idea. By the way, my avatar - how totally Punky Brewster is that face. I was so jazzed :)
Labels: insomnia, monologues, rants
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