Saturday, April 22

Brain Stew

Here's a phenomenon for you.

Those of you who know me - or read me, as the case may be - are more than well aware of my pattern insomnia. So i'm wondering, what is it about 3 am that makes you feel like your eyes are going to bleed?

Certainly it isn't exhaustion - afterall, today my 3 am saltine cracker binge had been tempered by a 3 hour nap that woke up around 7:00, curtosy of the man who secretly takes pleasure in letting me sleep when I shouldn't. Three hours is more than I sleep in three days, let alone an afternoon - so why do the corneas inevitably dry up aroudn 4:30?

Surely a passing med student knows the answer - or is this a subject not studied by the Eli's of the world because they rest easy on trust funds?

Oh, by the way, my anti-virus scan made it to completion around 7...the anti-spyware scan has been going strong since four and showing absolutely no signs of slowing, though. Ah, the life of geeks. When this finishes, maybe i'll go wild and defragment my drives :)

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