Friday, March 3

On Re-Installing Windows

So, about three weeks ago, I tried to install a piece of software and it ended...badly. That was OK. I found the instructions on how to fix it and patiently awaited the arrival of my very own techno geek to carry them out. (These instructions were the scary kind.) Then, a few days ago, I tried to install another piece of software and had a completely unrelated and different problem. So, all in all, my afor mentioned techno geek reccomended it - the dreaded reinstall.

I labored. I considered. I whined. I begged.

In the end, I couldn't make it not so. Two and a half years of really living well in this poor PC was too much for it to take. It needed to be fresh installed. So, last night, I spent a few hours transfering all of the relevant data from my PC to my secondary hard drive and hoping I got everything.

Tonight. Updates.

Oi, with the poodles. I'm on my third restart from updating Windows and I have only now hit Service Pack 2.

Reinstalling isn't something I would reccomend to the faint of heart but, once in a while, it really needs doing.


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