Pat Robertson and Insane Lawsuits
Yesterday I woke up to Pat Robertson. Today, Geraldo Rivera.
What, exactly is wrong with my TV? Is it launching a siege against my well being. It's a wonder I can't sleep at night, i'm having horrific dreams of all the obnoixous things these two idiots have said over the past 15 minutes.
Carrying on to the next horrific thing that happened today. I was scrolling through the news, like you do. Now yesterday, Mike went on one hell of a tyrade over a massive (and it was massive) judgement for a class action suit against Phillip Morris over - you guessed it - a man who died of some sort of smoking related cancer. I believe, in fact, that this suit was related to the 'misadvertisement' of light cigarettes. Anyways, that has nothing to do with what I wanted to rant about. I wanted to rant about this.
[Man Sues Apple Over Potential Hearling Loss: Syndicated at Slashdot]
I dont...I...Are you fucking kidding me? I swear to you, if you volume level my fucking iPod because you aren't intelligent enough to use the volume controls or buy some better headphones I will end you. Personally.
There is no romance in the world.
What, exactly is wrong with my TV? Is it launching a siege against my well being. It's a wonder I can't sleep at night, i'm having horrific dreams of all the obnoixous things these two idiots have said over the past 15 minutes.
Carrying on to the next horrific thing that happened today. I was scrolling through the news, like you do. Now yesterday, Mike went on one hell of a tyrade over a massive (and it was massive) judgement for a class action suit against Phillip Morris over - you guessed it - a man who died of some sort of smoking related cancer. I believe, in fact, that this suit was related to the 'misadvertisement' of light cigarettes. Anyways, that has nothing to do with what I wanted to rant about. I wanted to rant about this.
[Man Sues Apple Over Potential Hearling Loss: Syndicated at Slashdot]
I dont...I...Are you fucking kidding me? I swear to you, if you volume level my fucking iPod because you aren't intelligent enough to use the volume controls or buy some better headphones I will end you. Personally.
There is no romance in the world.
COunt me in too! I just noticed my CD player has volume control too. At least you can turn it on and off. Stupid idiotic lawsuits are way out of control. My god, first hot cofee, now turning up to 200 deibals will result in hearing loss? no shit. GO to any high school and you'll notice that.
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