Thursday, February 23

Keys To Life

My vectors and I get no love at The Dark Arts.

I can post and post and post and of course I get 'that's so cute!" but no one has any idea what to say, it seems. They look, they compliment, they move on. And not many stop either :P Sure, I can pull maybe five in a two day period if i'm lucky and the thread stays near the top but, even so, most threads end up with three or four times that for commentary on their things that...well, things that people who post at the dark arts know how to deal with.

Today...Today I found the love :)

I figured there had to be a "correct" place to stick my latest set of avatars - the cute little cartoon animals - on Deviant Art, and so I investigated and it was revealed. Within minutes of posting the first one, there was a comment. And while I was still working on the upload of all of them (indi-fucking-vidually) comments and favs were flying in left and right (well, all right - for a newbie with like four things posted)

I was excited and now i'm gloating. :)


Blogger Jean said...

Yay! Good for you! Hehe sorry about not having a comment, i figrue its better not to say anything than go, yeah, I really like the moon, but I still have no idea how to do this. :) bTW, your animals are appreciated. The are winning the av challenge

10:23 PM  

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