Wednesday, January 18


Okay, so I knew, when "april" appeared on the scene of the Gilmore Girls as the blast from Luke's past (in the form of the mother of his 12 year old daughter - one he didn't know about) I knew i'd seen her somewhere before. however ,being that there's nothing else on the WB that I can sit through, I had no idea where from.

Behold! In searching for images of the gorgeous and, finally adult looking, Milo for the gallery , the answer has revealed itself.

About two years ago when Jess (luke's nephew and Rory's ex boyfriend) fled the scene for California and his estranged, dead-beat dad, we met Jess's dad's girlfriend...

...and then it clicked.


How weird is that. Seriuosly, who recasts an actress for the same show. Did they think we would not notice?


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