Tuesday, November 15

Remind Me To Turn The TV Off

It's been a while since I updated, I have been misbehaving a bit in that realm.

The compulsive need to post and say something seems to be passing rather nicely and it's about time. Actually, it's more that the compulsive need to say something can't be met with any of the things I want to say because it's really bettter than I keep those things to myself :) Pity though, because you're all missing out on one hell of a laugh.

I cannot sleep with the tv on anymore. Ever.

Last night I fell asleep and had the customary dream about King with a gun to his head - again. (I could really take or leave this nightly torture, ladies and gents.) It was followed rather quickly (after I woke up and went back to sleep) by one of my extremly trippy dreams that usually involve secret agents. Then there was the dream about sex and I woke up this moroning dreaming about god, capitol G.

Looking at the tv listings for last night on the channel I was watching....wow, I need to just turn it off.


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