Friday, November 25


This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when i run out of tasks that I can complete on the current, in use computer system.

"The penguins were cool because they waddle around and look cuddly but you can tell that behind the pleading birdy eyes they really want to rip your face off."

"And oh my god the river thingy exhibit was the coolest thing I have ever seen that included fish. A responsible journalist would look up the proper name and write "The Metamucil 'Keep it flowing' River Adventure..." but I am neither responsible nor journalist.

The River Adventure started out awesome to the tenth power and got exponentially better around every corner. The river flows over your head in some places, making you realize that fish are slightly less interesting when viewed from the bottom. On the other hand, you are looking up at fish without having pissed off a mob boss, so it is unique." [Sneer & Loafing - Dusty Scott]

Point of interest, i'd actually really love to go see that...were I ever to find occasion to be in Atlanta which, god willing, I never will.


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