Wednesday, November 30

3:30 AM

Three thirty in the morning can create a lot of odd thoughts for a pattern insomniac like me - the thought for the evening? Why is it that every man i've ever loved is either dead or has, at some point or another, tried to sleep with me against my will? (This is, of course, excluding the one that I'm sleeping with less often then I might like.)

I am apparently not the kind of girl that should ever be left alone with men. Frankly, I'm fairly certain that I'm not the kind of girl who should ever be around men at all because I'm apparently not very good with that half of the species. I mean, sure, I get along with them better than girls and for a couple of years, things seem to go pretty well. You could even say that they go swimmingly, and then things always seem to take a turn for the insane, possesive and, when it gets real fun, suicidal.

I should go ponder the meaning of existence, and possibly ask god - capitalization optional - for a third option.

Que Sera Sera.


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