Monday, May 16

The Power Of Body Language - And How It Has No Impact On My Mother

For those of you who know my mom, you know that she's a great pumper of the power of body language. Well, I spent the entire damn weekend with this woman. Friday morning my father and brother left on a fishing trip. Now, i've been sick all week but I managed to get out of the house on Friday night. I came home, ended up talking to her until almost two o'clock in the morning because she doesn't shut up. See, my mother doesn't handle time spent alone well, at all and with my father gone she had no one to talk to all day. Saturday morning, she came in my room at 7 am and shook me awake. This isn't such a gregious fault except that i'm sick!! I wanted to sleep so that I could get better but no, i had to get up because my mother was bored. Then she proceeded to drag me around all day Saturday until after Mike saved me, post family dinner. Then Sunday, she came in my room at woke me up at 8. Then she talked and talked and talked. Then she came in my room and attacked me with a fucking blow dryer. Then she dragged me to the mall like i'm some fucking barbie doll because she wanted to take me shopping so that i'd spend time with her.

Well, she was supposed to be gone today. She had to go to the office early this morning and she was supposed to be gone until around 7 tnoight. My father and brother are coming home sometime this evening but we're not quite sure when. I was looking forward to some good sleep and a day without my mother.

Well, her lunch meeting and her evening meeting got canceled (after she called me four times and e-mailed me twice) so she's home now, sitting in my room talking to me.

Now, back to the power of body language. When she came in, I was in the queue. Slouched over on my chair, switching between word and firefox to check wc's on songfics, chin resting in my hand, and not speaking. None of this has changed since she walked in her. I've not uttered a single word - i've grunted twice and yet, here she is 30 minutes later, still FUCKING TALKING. I've not looked at her, spoken to her, or given her any indication that i'm still cognisent and alive but she jsut can't seem to quit.

This is going to be a very long two years if my Father really makes this move and stays gone. Seriously, i'll go mad. I cannot spend tihs kind of time with her - she makes me want to strangle her.

Oh, and hey...that's just wonderful. Kiss my peace and quiet goodbye - fish boy 1 and 2 just arrived home and they both STINK like dirty water and the woods. Yuck.


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