Thursday, February 17

Blog Skins

Get your hard hats out - Kay's re-skinning the hard way.

I spend several hours a day staring a graphics and then another 30 minutes or so staring html in the face wondering why oh why i decided to undertake this whole "website" project :)

In any case, my blog needs a new skin and after spending a few hours trolling BlogSkins I've discovered that no one in the world can skin a blog that doesn't make my head hurt.

First of all, for the love of god, someone take JavascriptSource offline before these hyperactive teenage girls put a scrolling effect on anything else! Then to the graphics themselves - not too shabby, I suppose. They're mostly a little much but some of them are cute - the ones that aren't stretched out beyond all rational belief....

Then there's the scrolling boxes. Oh, how I hate the scrolling boxes! When I publish a blog, I like all of my post to just appear, I don't want to scroll down in a 2X4 window to find out what the next thing someone said was. The primary purpose of a blog is not to be pretty - it's to have content, substance - some kind of value, be that written value to your friends, strangers, or yourself...

And the netspeak! Jesus christ! I really am going to have to commit suicide if i see the world "lurve" again or "ure"...oy vey....

So, long story short (don't you love how we always throw these in at the end of the post), one of these days when I am all caught up on graphics requests (insert *laughable* smilie here) i'll reskin this damn thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool site Kay. Don't sweat it, it looks great! I read the article, and browsed your banners and avatars. I must say that I am impressed. Take care!

6:00 AM  

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