Wednesday, July 28

My Grandmother

My grandma is the BIGGEST conspiracy theorist I have ever met.  She just got done telling me to very interesting factoids today:

1.  I shouldn't have this blog becuase someone will find it when I run for president and use all of my views against me.  Journaling, both on paper and online, was a scam thought up by the government to track people's political views.  I counter that if they're tracking my political views THEY AREN'T DOING A VERY GOOD JOB OF LISTENING!  And who said I was running for president? I'm the one who's depressed by politics, why would I want a career in it?

2. The government is forcing companies to weave tracking devices into my clothes and everytime I go in for surgery they implant a tracking device into my body so they can find me.  This one was the real kicker. But she promises it isn't just a conspiracy theory, she's only telling me what is really going on in the world and I should just be prepared for it.

So here we go:

My Political Views:
  • I hate W.
  • I want the iraq war to be over,
  • We had no right to be there in the first place
  • I'm voting, even though it doesn't matter because our votes don't count.
  • This nations education system sucks, and neither of our candidates have a satisfactory plan
  • This nations health care system sucks, and neither of our candidates have a satisfactory plan
  • This nations taxation system sucks, and neither one of our candidates has a satisfactory plan
  • What happened to the constitution?  I'd like to know when it became okay to ignore the document that is essentially the "physics" of governmental interworkings.

For those of you tracking me, I'm sitting on my bed, wearing a rather indie t-shirt and jeans.  My computer is on the blue table next to my bed.  I'm not wearing a bra.  I have four spider bites, i'm itching them as we speak.  Good enough? Glad i could make it easy for you.  Don't bother with the tracking device, if i'm not here, i'm at mikes.  Call him, he'll answer.


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