Tuesday, July 13

Americans Unprepared for Psychological Terror - Trustworthy, Physician-Reviewed Information from WebMD

Americans Unprepared for Psychological Terror - Trustworthy, Physician-Reviewed Information from WebMD

They play on it for christs sake, not downplay it. People this is the US Government. They're talking about postponing the elections because someone wants to attack it like they're gonna hit every voting booth in the entire U.S. Thats not only insane its completely unrealistic. Psychological warfare is and always has been a very potent tool. Blitzkreig for christs sake, the entire point was the scare the crap out of people. And it worked, we had them boarding up doors, making blackouts for their windows, miniature blackouts from cigars. Anyone not complying with the rules would be fined heavily and possibly put in jail. While the blackouts had practical applications in those days they still played into the fear felt by every man, woman and child. Look at us today. Y2K. Generators, bottled water, guns, canned goods out the ass, purifiers. People built self-sufficent wooden huts up north and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to do it. Does everyone remember the rush on saran wrap and duct tape? I do. You IDIOTS honestly thought that if you put saran wrap and duct tape on your windows you could outsmart biological warfare...forgot to think that you'd DIE from suffocation, and probably every single one of your neighbors coming to beat the shit out of you for your damn stupidity. For months after 911 people wouldn't fly, I still know people who are afraid to get on a plane or go into a high profile building. My grandmother almost had a fit when she found out i've been to the top of the John Hancock since. Christ grandma, if there's going to be a terrorist attack in the U.S. it's going to happen. I can't avoid it. I can't hide from it and i'm not going to spend the rest of my life afraid to leave my panic room for fear of dying. The odds are greater that i'd get hit by a car walking out my front door than that the voting booth i go to on election day is going to get bombed. Sure, maybe i'd worry if i lived in DC. Write the fuck in. This is insane. Lets everybody grow up and get real.


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