Tuesday, June 1

Hmm...Anyone Willing To Take Me In

My mother is doing her thing again, the thing she did when i told her about colin and what happened...where she gets all ever meddling and controling and psycho...right - so she's at that demon again and i'm not sure quite how i'm going to swing not speaking to either of them living here. It usually only last a couple of weeks if i nip it in the bud...and the whole "Remember how i quit talking to you last time you did this becuase you were totally out of line? Right. Think about that for a minute."

If she wants to impose a curfew or some shit - fine. I live in her house, i can deal with that. But she wont do that cuz she apparently things that THAT would be ever meddling and not right. Which i appreciate, cuz ya know, it would be sort of insane but i could cope, cuz it would be one of those priceless ones where it'd be a not with mike curfew.

I dont know whats gotten into her lately. She calls me like four hundred times if i'm not home by midnight and sits up and worries and shit. Like she freaked cuz i went to that Eyedea show and she doesn't want me at that rave place...like mom - the fucking frisk everybody at the door, relax. And then she decided that if that wasn't going to work she'd be worried about my apres-show activities but then i pointed out that they involve driving, a bottle of water, and trying not to fall asleep in the passenger seat while coughing up a lung full of phlem because my lungs are still pink. And now she's a wreck because i went for a walk with king...so yeah - it begins - again. cuz generally i'm home by like 10 or so on weekdays and liek 12 on weekends and thats pretty good i think. fucking amazing i think :P but yeah, whatever...we'll see, it should be fun. Now entirely sure how i'll swing this but it'll all work itself out, or ya know, i'll just shoot myself


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