Tuesday, May 25

Ya Know King :P

I'd e-mail you and tell you who nicolas is and why he thinks we should sleep together, but i firmly do not have your e-mail address any more :P I mean i'm pretty sure i could come up wtih about 16 old ones but that might be a little useless. And i'm not insulting you, i'm just saying there's no way in hell I could sleep with you :P There are friends, and then there are people I could sleep with and they are two completely seperate categories and they never intermingle. No matter how much shit Trish used to give me. Anyways, Nicholas is my friend from Trinidad that I wasn't supposed to talk to anymore but now its okay cuz everyone is calm and its cool. We've all realized that Trinidad is a little far to have another freak like Pete...and besides, as long as he doesn't know where I live i figure I'm safe. Yay :P Anyways, i dont really remember why we were supposed to be sleeping together, I think it was because I said mike was with the other woman and he said we should all have a threesome and I said eww and then he said. "Yeah, that would be awkward for Mike. Maybe you should just sleep with the other woman." And then i explained that the other woman was really a man...and then he said that he didn't want to watch anymore :P I'm pretty sure that's how it went anyway. Oh well, there ya go. And for those of you who didn't care - FUCK OFF :P Its my damn piece of public space so nahnahnahnahnah :P

AND...the only reason you have a blog was going to be a disaster is that means you, Mike, and I are all blogging again and on blogger...and the last time that happened *shudder*


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