Monday, May 31


The people that I live with have a unique way of making things difficult. About a week ago my father noticed that my car was getting sunspots on it and told my mother. She pointed it out to me and told me it needed to be washed and waxed. Which, really, wouldn't have been a problem except that really...its monsoon season. So I, being the efficient cookie I am said. "Hey, why don't you ask dad if he'd mind running it through the carwash down the block because wouldn't that be just as effective?" Well it would, and he agreed. And now, a week later, it still not done and he has now abdicated any responsibility for it because he broke the car that he's got parked in front of it and there is no fucking way for me to get it out of the driveway even if i wanted to drive it, let alone drive it to the car wash. So now, in the middle of monsoon season, i either have to spend an hour and a half washing and waxing a car in my driveway, or let the paint get destroyed. Fuckers... this is really a growing trend around here...second thing in to two days that someone agreed to and won't do.


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