Gun's Don't Kill People, Stupidity Does
Nicholas and I are having a heated debate over gun control. He doesn't think its a good idea for my father to give me the glock...personally, i dont either...but i'd never be dangerous cuz i'd never load the fucker...or really take it out of the gun cabinet. But anyways, he thinks that its the amount of guns in our country that causes our high rate of murder where as i think its the influx in nut jobs...b/c normal people like me aren't going to run out and kill people...i know where the keys are, i still haven't shot colin. Lets be real here, if ever there was someone i'd like to shoot, he and Sean are it. But even i'm not nuts enough to do it! Unless i got real suicidal one day and decided if i was gonna go i might as well take care of some business, but really, W. is a bigger target even. Anyways, I don't think that its the guns that are the problem...if we had less guns there'd just be people killing other people to get 'em. Psychos will get guns, its what they do..they're the problem, not my father - he just likes shooting at picutres of osama and clay disks..
Nicholas and I are having a heated debate over gun control. He doesn't think its a good idea for my father to give me the glock...personally, i dont either...but i'd never be dangerous cuz i'd never load the fucker...or really take it out of the gun cabinet. But anyways, he thinks that its the amount of guns in our country that causes our high rate of murder where as i think its the influx in nut jobs...b/c normal people like me aren't going to run out and kill people...i know where the keys are, i still haven't shot colin. Lets be real here, if ever there was someone i'd like to shoot, he and Sean are it. But even i'm not nuts enough to do it! Unless i got real suicidal one day and decided if i was gonna go i might as well take care of some business, but really, W. is a bigger target even. Anyways, I don't think that its the guns that are the problem...if we had less guns there'd just be people killing other people to get 'em. Psychos will get guns, its what they do..they're the problem, not my father - he just likes shooting at picutres of osama and clay disks..
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