Tuesday, April 27

Listen Up Jackasses

If one more of you whiney bitches decides to come to me telling me how broken you are over your relationship that ended i'm going to blow your head off. Here's my advice, and you can just read this next time you want to talk to me.

1. The person who broke up with you clearly did not want to be with you anymore or they would not have broken up with you in the first place.

2. Once you're broken up - Its over. No more flirting with them, no more prying into their lives. None. Its over.

3. You don't get to tell them how its going to be, they are no longer, no were they ever really, your property. Leave them alone.

4. Any sexual exploits taking place after the termination of the relationship or on a so-callled "break" - whatever the fuck that is - are none of your business nor are your friends or that person obligated to tell you. Its none of your business

5. Your friends don't want to hear about every woe you have, we have our own problems and our own shit to deal with.

6. Grow up! If you're a man - be a man, grab your balls and go about doing whatever it is you did before you were with this person - i.e., sleeping with anyone wearing something short - so you feel less like some dumb schmuck who couldn't keep the lameass woman you had. If you're a woman - put on your favorite push up bra, throw on something that screams slutty, and go get yourself some attention to validate your petty illusions of self worth.

7. Stop wallowing in self pity, alcohol, and sad songs and move the fuck on.

8. When you break up with someone or someone breaks up with you you have one chance to talk to them and work it out. Make sure you've calmed down and give them time to do the same, but if they say they don't want to see you or that it doesn't matter what you have to say, its exactly that, it doesn't matter.

9. Let's all pretend we're adults for a second and have sane rational conversations where we're totally honest with eachother and don't drag other people through the mud. You cared enough about this person at one time to get together with them, you should care enough now or at least have the self respect to be honest about what you want your interactions to be like instead of leading people on and teasing them.

10. Some people need brutal honesty to understand things. Take the candy coating off and give it to 'em. Just do it in a public place so they can't beat the shit out of you.

11. If you can't do this, kill yourself for the benefit of everyone you might trip into a relationship with later in life.


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