Friday, November 7

You Guys Should Listen To Me

I think it would be a good idea. Melanie called me last night and asked if I thought it would be okay if she had some people over to drink. So I tell her yeah. An hour later she and the rest of the dance team show up at our apartment. They'd all had like two shots of something or other, and none of it was everclear. They got here, each downed a triple black and started falling into walls. They were drinking fucking Peppermint schnapps and Smirnoff. Exactly one of them was sober enough to drive.

I called Colin before Melanie's little friends came over and I told him he should come down cuz I was about to have a huge supply of drunken cheerleaders, and he didn't listen to me. Suuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee. He should've listened to me..... Danielle (not evil danielle, a different one...she went to her moms house) and I had a 30 minute conversation about how she swallows. She was a little drunk...She stayed here...and so did some other girl, who was too drunk to walk over to Ranger Hall...Yeah. As I was saying, Colin should come visit me more often and at least listen to me, because I"m always right.

Oh, and BTW, Bethe's after him again. She randomly showed up here yesterday and begged me to guess the number of condoms in the jar...and then when I got all disinterested she informed me that she had a dream about Colin last night and then babbled randomly about the story of 23 orgasms. Yeah. Why do I doubt that mean...something. Love you Cubby :P.

Oh well. I have to go take a shower, pick up a lofting kit, and then I think I need to go to the store cuz I have to find something to wear tomorrow...I think I have to go to the mall...ewww. I know. Toodles all, there is a gallon of Vodka and Koolaid in my refridgerator and I have to get rid of it before Melanie comes home and won't let me.


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