I'm never speaking to my mother again. Here we go again. I make a plan, not necissarily a particularly fantastic one, but nevertheless one that will work and most people don't seem to be entirely opposed to. But oh no, can anyone just let me fucking have the peace of mind for a full week...uh, no. Of fucking course not. My mother has been trying to push me into renting a loft in downtown racine, in an old warehouse, with some artist person. And i get it through her head that I dont want to move in there, i'm not going to and i'm no looking for some "community." I don't like community. Communities make you accountable to people you don't like for things you don't want to do. All in all, its a lose lose deal. I'm not game.
So she lays off on that for a minute, or so i think, and then gets the brilliant idea that i should rent the house from them, rent out a room in it to some random person, and they'll move to an artists loft. Yes. I don't really feel like taking on the project that the two of them can't seem to maintain.
Then she gets this brilliant idea that I should go appeal to my grandparents to buy me a two flat so that i can rent out the lower half and then my rent (i.e., the mortgage) will be lesser and i'll be building credit. It has a few pro's, such as the fact that i could begin to build credit and it'd be nice to have a rental property. However, I'm really no looking to take on the responsibility that is required at a point where i really just need to figure out what I want in life. And say I decide to go to Chicago after all. I don't need the added distraction of keeping track of the maintence and tenents in a duplex in another state. Furthermore, I can't not have someone in it because there's no way that I could afford to support the place even for a month without a tenent. And that's not a good situation to be in.
Her third proposition wasn't too bad, i mean it's bad, but its not that bad. Stay home for two the end of which point, i'm hoping anyway, that I will have been able to save up about $2600. Theortically, from that I could purchase a car, and still have about $1600 left, from which just under $800 would go to rent, security deposit, and first months electric. So at that point i've got $800. $200 needs to buy me a new mattress. With what remains, i still need a few other things, groceries, microwave, i need something on which to put a tv, i need a couch...etc. I can go to IKEA and get most of that. But i also need car insurance. My quote from Geico was $950 for six months...But i just got a new one from AllState for $600. So yay.
So here's the plan. I'm gonna live at home until March, at which point i should have a car and be able to pay all of my upfront stuff all on my own. That way i don't have to worry about having a significantly decreased income for so long. If i can just stand my parents for 60 days i'll survive. This is like a reality tv show in the making: Surviving The Parents. So Yes, i'm going to live, and its going to be ok. I'm just not oging ot be home ever. I can do my slick, walk in, walk out, hide by myself on my computer. I just wont spend anytime around them. Honestly, if i'm working full time, and spending so much of my time out like i do, i shouldn't have to be with them too intensely. And they've all promised to try to behave more like sane individuals and less like the raging nutcases that tehy are so that we can all get along.
I'm never speaking to my mother again. Here we go again. I make a plan, not necissarily a particularly fantastic one, but nevertheless one that will work and most people don't seem to be entirely opposed to. But oh no, can anyone just let me fucking have the peace of mind for a full week...uh, no. Of fucking course not. My mother has been trying to push me into renting a loft in downtown racine, in an old warehouse, with some artist person. And i get it through her head that I dont want to move in there, i'm not going to and i'm no looking for some "community." I don't like community. Communities make you accountable to people you don't like for things you don't want to do. All in all, its a lose lose deal. I'm not game.
So she lays off on that for a minute, or so i think, and then gets the brilliant idea that i should rent the house from them, rent out a room in it to some random person, and they'll move to an artists loft. Yes. I don't really feel like taking on the project that the two of them can't seem to maintain.
Then she gets this brilliant idea that I should go appeal to my grandparents to buy me a two flat so that i can rent out the lower half and then my rent (i.e., the mortgage) will be lesser and i'll be building credit. It has a few pro's, such as the fact that i could begin to build credit and it'd be nice to have a rental property. However, I'm really no looking to take on the responsibility that is required at a point where i really just need to figure out what I want in life. And say I decide to go to Chicago after all. I don't need the added distraction of keeping track of the maintence and tenents in a duplex in another state. Furthermore, I can't not have someone in it because there's no way that I could afford to support the place even for a month without a tenent. And that's not a good situation to be in.
Her third proposition wasn't too bad, i mean it's bad, but its not that bad. Stay home for two the end of which point, i'm hoping anyway, that I will have been able to save up about $2600. Theortically, from that I could purchase a car, and still have about $1600 left, from which just under $800 would go to rent, security deposit, and first months electric. So at that point i've got $800. $200 needs to buy me a new mattress. With what remains, i still need a few other things, groceries, microwave, i need something on which to put a tv, i need a couch...etc. I can go to IKEA and get most of that. But i also need car insurance. My quote from Geico was $950 for six months...But i just got a new one from AllState for $600. So yay.
So here's the plan. I'm gonna live at home until March, at which point i should have a car and be able to pay all of my upfront stuff all on my own. That way i don't have to worry about having a significantly decreased income for so long. If i can just stand my parents for 60 days i'll survive. This is like a reality tv show in the making: Surviving The Parents. So Yes, i'm going to live, and its going to be ok. I'm just not oging ot be home ever. I can do my slick, walk in, walk out, hide by myself on my computer. I just wont spend anytime around them. Honestly, if i'm working full time, and spending so much of my time out like i do, i shouldn't have to be with them too intensely. And they've all promised to try to behave more like sane individuals and less like the raging nutcases that tehy are so that we can all get along.
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