Friday, October 3

Who Want's To Help Me Move In
Tin Foil Hats Optional

GAH!!!! Okay. A Breakdown of this entire Parkside move in FIASCO from start to finish

2 Weeks Prior To Semester: Drop Off Application
4 Weeks into Semester: Number 6
2 Days Later: Number 5
1 Day Later: Number 4
1 Day Later: Number 3
1 Week Later: Room 332 by the end of the week
End Of The Week: We meant Monday
Monday: We meant Tuesday...and 171
Tuesday: Uh....How's Wednesday? Actually, we meant 320
Wednesday: Thursday sound good?
Friday: Okay, so what we really meant all along was University Apartment B, building 1. And as soon as you feel like it.

The only good thing that comes out of it is that my direct roommate is a cross country runner named Suzie. So maybe she's hot. How's that for a consolation prize, Mike. I told you'd I'd try to work it out. And if she's not hot, there are four other girls to choose from that i'll share a KITCHEN :):):) with. The fridge gets to go back to the store now, rendering me like $130 dollars richer. Yay! Yeah. I'm excited about the Kitchen...Ya know.


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