Monday, June 16

What Up To My Homies

Or something..

Don't mind me i'm hyper. I didn't have to work today, i dont have to work tomorrow, and i'm all perky and hyper, i spent all night with my mikey, i'm getting some of my creative energy out finally, in numerous pointless projects, but whatever...YAY!! That, and the weather is better..

I'm considering enrolling in an accellerated degree program, i think i can probably fight my way in at madison, if not, i'm a shoe in at carthage cuz ya know.. Dan Scholwalter...Dudley Riggle...Kris Renaud...It'll be more expensive there but i'll still only have to be there for a year, year and a half tops, and its only once a i could work part time and go to school and still have time for a life and plenty of time to do my homework etc... Plus, becuase its an accellerated program i'd be with adults, and away from the mindless undergrads that i so loathe...>AND they're catering to people who work full time jobs so the pointless assignements are much fewer because they recognize the challanges of the students.. IT'd be SOOO much better for me :)

I'm actually starting to get excited about something again...


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