Tuesday, May 27

What The Fuck?

It is now 6:44am and thus far I have been, nearly hit by a car, and missed my bus... Some jackass decided that he could disregard the fact that I was crossing the street, from a sidewalk, at a stop sign where he was stopped, because he saw a break in traffic and just pull right on forward. Dumbass. I should sue him for emotional distress. THEN!! Lets make matters worse, evidently a kid from Tremper catches their bus (not the one that is supposed to pick up there) at that corner, causing my fucking bus driver to have to ignore this kid every day, well he just kept right on barrelling by. I called cuz really, i'll be at that corner every morning all week and I'm not gonna be able to keep up wtih my mothers request, she'll take me if i'll be nice to her for 24 hours. Good god man, do you know how hard that is??


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