Tuesday, May 6

Number 1 Reason To Work At A Coffee Shop:

ehhhhhhhhhh....fuck mornings. I've been up since 5:45. I went to bed at 2. I am not happy about either of these occasions, but tomorrow is wednesday, and I don't work...so i'll sleep in, or something. Triple shot for breakfast anyone? I was thinking that three shots of espresso later...and maybe a little half and half and sugar for the palate, i would be okay for a few hours. *beats head on wall* - why don't i have an...owww...job that doesn't make me work...oww...before i want to get up in the morning - *stops beating head on the wall* Fuck, that's gonna leave a mark.

What's the song Mike? I love my job/I love my job/J-O-B/J-O-B...oh, who the fuck am I kidding...

G'night guys...err...wait. Yeah, I'll be awake all day...right. COFFEE!!!!!


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